Very, very local not global and decided by the region, the village, the town, the city. All input will be greatly appreciated These astrology predictions cover: Why hasnt it been shut down? Cait, Chiron in Pisces is actually about getting away with the so-called impossible, as a psychic. And these students are from various African countries, India, Morocco, Turkey e.t.c. Russia Ukraine Conflict Astrology: Strong Planets and Yogas In Putins Horoscope When our astrologers analyzed the birth chart of Vladimir Putin, it was seen The end of Vladimir Putin and Russian money laundering is also the end of Donald and Melania Trump. Hi Jessica, superb article. Inflation is already crazy in the UK and these matters will be making it worse no doubt. I am a nurse and travel with my work. Will China invade Taiwan? You also have ties in Brazil. Another cover-up! R E L A T E D I am also going through a difficult time in my life. i planing move to russia ,on july but all situation qiut difficult but i believe it good will be for futture investment in date of birth 09.08.1977 Unity On Ukraine Is Unity On Peace And Justice Development Banks Must Embrace Nuclear Energy Zionist Project Has Always Been Colonisation And Exclusion Of Indigenous SIDBI, Showreel To Jointly Develop Digital Platform To Support Aspiring I News by I studied his chart from a Vedic astrology perspective and things are looking tough for him. Shailer further said that the world war will be followed by a thousand years of peace. I am sure you know all this! I have several concerns with Ukraine and specifically about the nuclear threat that Putin came out with yesterday No matter what recessions or even depressions and crashes come and go, shes secure. Ukraine has Sagittarius Lagan, Rahu in the 1st house and Ketu in the 7th house. I am sorry you are going through this dire situation in Europe. America may well play a part in that. Russia- Ukraine War: , , , Published by: Jeet Kumar Updated Sun, 26 Feb 2023 05:19 AM IST I now wonder if this means that the Russian invasion of Ukraine will be like Afghanistan, long and protracted and ultimately unsuccessful, although I hope it ends before this with peace and withdrawal of the invading army. Thats just the start. Fascinating to read, wonder what you think of Nostradamus (dyslexic?) Thierry, I suggest you give yourself a Tarot and Oracle reading for this intensely personal question. India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. Yet I am still struggling to come to a firm understanding. He has been behaving irrationally. Watch Meta (the new Facebook). The Magnitsky Amendment to the Money Laundering Act, cryptocurrency and blockchain will all be central to what happens. are you suggesting cryptocurrency will crash too or the inverse, that people will put their money into digital crypto money as the old world fiat money banking system collapses? 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. In January 2014, P.Poroshenko was elected as the president of Ukraine in the month of May in the Vimshottari mahadasha of Jupiter-Mercury (R). Something I would like to see avoided, just by predicting its risk: Facebook Live is frequently Facebook Death as it hosts lone gunmen with cameras. General character. I was so looking forward to this as I helplessly watch the terrible situation happening in the Ukraine and feel so terrified and sad for these people just trying to live their lives. I pray for his life, may this hero continue to live very long!!! It is much appreciated. Thank you Jessica! Its also going to show Vladimir Putin that people power in a community is potent. I moved here counting with the countrys safety and stability and now I see myself next to the war, with ukrainian co-workers suffering around. I feel sorry for the people in Russia who have tried so hard to resist Vladimir Putin and his kind. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. New equations will be formed within many countries, and the coming situation is indicating a bloody and violent outcome, especially in Taiwan, the Middle East, Uganda, and Afghanistan. I see Finland has parked tractors in a line as a reminder to Russia that it is the farmers of Ukraine who have defeated Vladimir Putin with agricultural equipment. I do hope that the red cloth of the Emperors drapes was not an indication of the big red button or Nenas song 99 red balloons. It is still changing shape. Vladimir Putin will meet his downfall in Russia, correct. As per Mundane Astrology, if Lagan (1st house) and the 7th house are under the influence of Rahu-Ketu, then the severity of war will be limited and there are chances that the full-fledged war may get reduced to some clashes and, probably, some mutual understanding or some mid-course resolution of the situation may become possible. You have predicted The Emperor exactly. Germany has just made a huge sacrifice with Russia. The reason for this is the repetition of the North Node and South Node in the economy signs, Taurus and Scorpio, and Uranus (the revolution) in Taurus, which rules currency and trade as well as the whole economy. Every peace finds its place. Can you see Norways role or conflict with Russia here? This is already showing up as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency. To the day. This article presents an astrological insight into why Russia has attacked Ukraine and tries to predict the end of the war. Now, all these years later, America is making economic sacrifices to stop the war on Ukraine. You are a Sun Virgo with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, so have a packed Sixth House. Its very reassuring that evil Putin wont win. Living in Poland you will see your adopted country take on full responsibility for people leaving Ukraine. Ducking and diving is a really smart move and you will gain enormously when Jupiter goes into Taurus. We are basically on the edge right from the start. When the economy changes, your values have to change. You are so consistent in making true predictions, its really astounding. The United Kingdom is dealing with her 1938 karma regarding appeasement in 2022. You are the calm voice in a crazy world. Maybe a combination of kick-boxing, Tai Chi, yoga, Pilates, wild swimming, running, football and so on. Look across the map. Why? A lot of people want Pluto in Capricorn to leave. See here: A really, really long time ago I published a prediction about a new world order which would involve New Zealand as a non-NATO ally. Yes, your father was right. What a blessing to have found you. Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harpers Bazaar, Bloomingdales and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. You will be delighted with the outcome with foreign countries and foreign people by May and again October-December. 2022 and 2023 will not be easy, but we will get through this. Pluto is absolute power, corrupting absolutely. I am very flattered. If there is going to be a financial crunch, does not seem to make sense to move to a super rent expensive city. Will we see the same demise of China as it is now? In order to maintain and increase its dominance in the world, it will indirectly help and cooperate for the destruction of rebel groups and will have to send military and will be compulsively involved in the war, while also gradually imposing economic sanctions, etc. Thank you for your clear insight into the current state of affairs. Incredible article for the sound & sober content and daring assessment. They will lose the war because they wont have the necessary parts / equipment and because of logistics issues. I posted this on 4th February, days before Putin invaded Ukraine. The situation that will prevail during this conflict. Given I have factors in 26 Scorpio, and world in turmoil would this impact my plans to buy a small apartment for me to live in Sydney (not investment)? Was this another prediction? You are solely responsible for what you post., Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. You do need to put your work and health first in 2022 and until March 2023 actually, so it will be a combination of COVID-19 realities, your work situation (I include academia or volunteering in that) and the extra money you could make or save after May. the volatility of the stock market. Thank you and I hope to speak about peace very soon! That was a game-changer. It is not a circle. Finally, we have an eclipse at 10 Taurus, just one degree away from Russias Saturn at 11 Taurus, on Saturday 30th April. For this reason, he wants to prevent Ukraine from joining hands with NATO, an alliance that might be a threat to Russia. So she will either be a new Gemini nation, or perhaps a Cancer nation. It has been very difficult as a transit, because by nature, Pluto opposes Cancer factors in a chart (home, home town, homeland) and one can be dominated, taken over, by the men at the top. In addition to this, if we see from the perspective of Russias chart, from 29th April, Saturn transits from Capricorn to Aquarius, from the house of losses to house of self in the natal chart. The sunflower is a good symbol for Ukraine. Any insights you could share on what to look out for critical dates/events etc. However, from 5th June 2022, when Saturn falls in backward direction in Aquarius and will become retrograde, the situation between the two nations will get tensed as Saturn is the planet of Karma and in retrograde motion it would be re-balancing the state. Ukraine has pushed the Comments over 13,500 so the queue has become quite long, so your message would have been received, but just not seen to date. What worries me is the inevitability of quantum computing which will blow encryption off the face of the earth and nothing will be safe. As per the available horoscope of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin currently, there is an influence ofMahadasha of Mercury with Ketu Antardasha. A glimpse at history tells us that when the. I have the feeling Putins demise will come from inside Russia rather than externally. Thank you . To answer your questions it would be between Italy & France. There are two, the one here and the other one that is no longer visible. I dont know anything about this and will go and see what the BBC is telling me. 3. Hiding away during the pandemic. The answer is economic sanctions against Russia and a redrawing of trade within Europe. ASTROLOGOIST Nostradamus, who is said to have correctly foreseen the Ukraine war, apparently predicted a doomsday World War Three scenario for 2023. It is heartbreaking as you say. In fact it would delight, stun and amaze you. When my friends the financial astrologers Kate Silas and Olga Morales were talking about economic trends in September 2021, some alarm bells rang for me. Its so close to the center of the conflict as well as having some history with Russia. This is what will cause attack to the capital Kiev and other parts with great loss of military resources and structures (Ke). Saturn in Aquarius and Ukraine It is usually spiritual but manifests as finance in 2022 and 2023. The war on Ukraine could be the excuse for Putins fall. Why? Once that happens, we have a new country and so we set up a different astrology chart. There is a transition here, away from the past and towards a better financial future. The possibilities of nuclear conflict. Thank you very much in advance. WebRussia-Ukraine War: This Indian astrologer had predicted a conflict in Europe 16 months in advance! When we look at the astrological charts for nuclear aggression, we find Cancer, the zodiac sign that rules territory, borders, patriotism, nationalism, land grabs but also families, whole towns and invasion. Luck would be on your side then. It will change your life. Not just once. The horoscope prevalent on Feb. 24 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine is first analysed. In the annual horoscope, we see a planet conjunction in the 4th house in Capricorn, Rahu in Taurus in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house. Thank you. Shells and salt would be a good trade where I live I gather shells on the beach every day. If youre a regular reader youll remember that particular prediction goes all the way back to 29th May 2018. This cold relationship between Ukraine and Russia, possible takeover of Ukraine by Russia, on-going war between them will continue for another few years till 2026. The biggest spike will be 2022, 2023. We cannot find the blog about Russia that you posted in March. If you buy an apartment with your sister, she is in the same cycle, as an Aries person. According to Hamilton-Parker, this war will be sparked by a growing divide between the country's religious factions, with hardline conservatives on one side and more moderate elements on the other. Thoughts on creativity, writing career. 2022 is hard work for you with these basic aspects of life so check out the place on the map you have in mind, with a microscope as it will be getting around/getting from A to B that ends up having the biggest influence on you. An eclipse that covered Florida. You had predicted all this much earlier and rest the stars are doing their job. Thank you. They began to rise on the Saturn Return and will win. You have Capricorn factors at 3 through 29 degrees and given that Pluto began moving across 0 Capricorn in 2008 and will only finish at 29 Capricorn in March 2023, your chart has mirrored a very long, slow cycle. The long goodbye. Then it is possible to get timing. Ive written a fair bit about that on this website. Thank you for your thoughts Jessica and taking time to look at my chart (19/09/1968 London 9.30 am). With Finland we also go back to 1938 and of course by 1938 the Nazi-Soviet pact led to a Soviet invasion of Finland with brave resistance. Now, let us analyse the chart through sidereal method. Im a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9PM (GMT+8). You will see huge changes in 2022, 2023 which close the circle of karma. Without that channel you can end up feeling frustrated and unhappy. That is the bigger, bigger picture of this war. 2. Ivankas designer labels. And the other cycle which is crucial here, is the Uranus/North Node cycle in Taurus, the sign of the global economy. It is time for a big We live in a world where the top 1% (Pluto in Capricorn) have forced everyone else to accept what they think is valuable. Both are under female leaders, which are a massive contrast to toxic masculinity and threats of Putins Russia. What lies in the future for both men. He had also predicted successfully about the Russia-Ukraine war. How will it go on for me and for Germany? Community, diversity, equality. Oh Jessica thank you for this insight you are truly gifted! What comes out of this is revolutionary, by 2026. Be prepared to change, quickly, and be light on your feet. From an astrologers point of view, this was the worst possible time to start a war. India Today speaks to the astrologer, he Hi Jessica, You are a Sun Aries with a big Virgo signature, which is typical of nurses and doctors, actually. That cycle absolutely rules the future of Bitcoin and the rest, and as Uranus is a symbol of revolution, rebellion, independence, upheaval and constant change, anyone who is taking a ride on that, has no guarantees. As this conjunction happened in the 2nd house of the nations economy, it has brought a turmoil and drastic instability of their economy. It is economically disastrous and that does not change. Let us quickly list them out for you: Read Also: Venus Transit in Capricorn on 27th February 2022: What Can You Expect? What is this card saying to you? Putin does not understand it. In a moment I will give you key dates when we can expect that to happen. Different countries of the world will certainly give respect to India due to this. The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a woman President is not far away. Watch the Kremlin insider Kylushin in relation to the 2016 hacked American election. Predicted in The Daily Mail in their front page cover story about my work, back on 19th October 2020: the end of money laundering is coming. Hence, the country will be involved in balancing epidemics while resolving internal problems as well as those on the world stage. China is STEALING . Submit Your Articles/Press Releases/Reports. Yes, some prophecy buffs tell us, based on predictions by Michel de Nostredame, the French astrologer still known today by the Latinized name of Nostradamus (15031566). It will deliver everything we never expected so its a smart idea to be agile, flexible and light on your feet. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. But this week, I will really post much of articles and predictions for forthcoming and most happening months of entire decade - March and April 2022. The Emperor does appear to be wearing plate armour and there are rams heads on the throne so is this a symbol of someone war-like. On the plus side, the world is going to lose petrol, coal, gas and gain electric and solar. Thats how far the tentacles of Vladimir Putin and corrupt politicians and businessmen spread from London to Sydney. You owe, karmically, or are owed karmically. Your article has taken a lot of my anxiety away and Im ready to begin to allow myself to look forward to the future. No. (I understand its free), Good Dates For Financial Investments In Oct 2022, First Outing Of The Baby (Nishkramana Samskara), Mercury Retrogression In Virgo (10 Sep 2 Oct). What do you think about the Czech Republic (formerly known as Czechoslovakia)? Astrology cuts through the noise about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. 1. Wow! Note the eclipse I talk about, though this turned out to be the exact date Ukraine held centre-stage at the United Nations. Your dreams are correct war has come and you have been stocking up. If this could escalate into World War III. From 2026 well look back at 2022 as if its old history. Considering 1938/39, could it be US karma to get involved earlier rather than later this time around (agree to swap planes?). Surely the stars have something to say about that. As a user of this website you agree to be bound by our Terms and Conditions.You are solely responsible for what you post.Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. Whats happening around the world is very sad. Itll be co-owned by my sister who is 31 March 1992 (so Aries). Horoscopes analysed: In the above chart the Asc rising is Sagittarius at 14.57 degrees. How do we prepare to protect ourselves? There will be more and again, this will happen in relation with Russias economic collapse. So, typically, marriage and mortgage. Romania is owed karmically by Russia and perhaps Bulgaria. The article provides hope in dark times. I have always struggled to understand the balance of power and money. Hello Jessica, Youve written many times about the importance of the U.N. historically and in current events. In regards of the oracle or tarot reading I dont know how to do that. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. Sanctions being imposed on Russia after its aggressive action in Ukraine will be problematic for the European countries solely dependent on Russia for energy needs. Craig Hamilton-Parkers prediction is that Putin will keep the war going for the sake of his own image, and that Russian troops will occupy part of Kyiv. The more Hungary and other countries pursue that, the more powerful they will be. Well look back at 2022 as if its old history how far the tentacles Vladimir! Bbc is telling me redrawing of trade within Europe balancing epidemics while resolving internal problems as well as those the... And Oracle reading for this insight you are a Sun Virgo with Uranus Pluto! With my work, by 2026 and because of logistics issues I hope to speak about peace very soon conflict. This will happen in relation with Russias economic collapse stun and amaze you world war Three scenario 2023! Continue to live very long!!!!!!!!!!!!!... 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