Please, please dont lose sleep wondering what you did or didnt do to that family member to make them act this way. Feeling like your family ignores you, doesnt respect you, or even like your family doesnt love you, is incredibly painful. I also realised that, deep down, I had no idea who I was. Ask VICE is a series where readers ask VICE to solve their problems, from dealing with unrequited love to handling annoying flatmates. She lives a few hundred miles away from her daughter and made an effort to see her before her big day. She's raised 7 kids. It can lead to such deep feelings of alienation, something I know about all too well. Cheating isn't going to help. Through your posts, I'm seeing more how it is the opposite.And it also made me realize, something else - I am not told that someone is going in for surgery (even major), or has gone to the hospital in an ambulance, or been in the ER until days later or the day of. None of his new friends from uni knew he had a sister. //