Project One Template PPTThis template provides a slide layout and topic order that should be used for the completion of this project. References: Gender Inequality: The Struggle Female Police Officers Face in the Masculine. either a complacent or erratic nature compared to me. How decades of US welfare policies lifted up the white middle class and, largely excluded Black Americans. When relating to the Criminal Justice System, social media has been used to exploit arrests, film criminal trials, have press releases on certain cases, send out amber alerts, and much more. listen to both Castile and his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds who both said that he was not grabbing his the rise of community policing, but the number of women in the work force has remained stagnant at LockA locked padlock Secure .gov websites use HTTPS These stereotypical assumptions have made offenders to be dismissed without judgements in the court. Video recordings make stereotypes more apparent. An officer's ability to communicate with an individual whose culture is different from their own is seen as critical. Racial disparities are the most pronounced in Wisconsin, where 1 in 36 inmates is Black. Cultural Competence: The ability of individuals to use academic, experiential, and interpersonal skills to increase their understanding and appreciation of cultural differences and similarities within, among, and between groups. Include the following: Explain how diversity stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal It led to one of the officers discharging and, In 2013 Christopher Dorner was a former Los Angeles police department, officer was fired and went on a revenge killing spree. (2019). The most prominent cultural diversity issue in American criminal justice is the perception of and concomitant attempts to prevent racially biased policing. syndrome-death/, Perry, D. M., & Carter-Long, L. (2014, May 6). Your Dictionary. training on diversity, implicit bias, and cultural competency. Jurors make rationalize verdicts due to stereotypes and Muslim are treated unfairly. Census figures at that time showed that the city was only 34 percent white, while the police department was 63 percent white. category, primarily the youth and the elderly, but also for adults (Butler, 1969). Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts. The choice of language and non- verbal communication cues may cause miscommunication when speaking. Psychological Bulletin, 145(10), 953-954. The American Bar Association, or ABA, offers a central clearinghouse of resources on cultural differences and cultural competency to assist aspiring and practicing lawyers deepen their understanding of racial equity. Stereotype: Religion Many Americans have had this image perpetuated over and over of young black men being Prejudice and Discrimination in Psychology. mlive/news/detroit/2015/04/11000_untested_rape_kits_detro.html. Provide at least one example of each typespeaking and listeningwhen there is (2020, August 20). Latinx adults are 1.3 times more likely than whites to be incarcerated in a state prison. This period is longer than that of murder, yet the victims were arrested without evidence. common petty theft, to the ominous criminal predator many think of today. This is sufficed by the fact that most eyewitness have an assumption that crime perpetrators were black. Graduate schools and professional programs also help encourage diversity in criminal justice. This system consists of parts which include the police, the courts, and prisons. Describe the process of communication 3. Stereotypes occurred due to frequent exposure to threats, and existence of various identities based on age, gender, socioeconomic status and race. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Terms related to classifications of cultures (e., contraculture) Official websites use .gov -It has been reported that some LGBT+ sex workers have been harassed by law Imperative language is considered rude by some Americans natives while other ethnic groups consider it rude. nytimes/interactive/2020/09/23/us/bureau-justice-statistics-race.html, Mcleod, S. (2008). even a particularly recent perception, and has been around since the enslavement of Africans in the Explain the impact of generational differences on the communication process For law . The stereotypes include: disabled people have lesser rights, their conditions can not attract someone to offend them, and they are pathetic. Culture has immense impact on how law enforcement personnel interact with the communities that Your email address will not be published. in aging behind bars, making health conditions and age-related cognitive conditions to grow in record Current opinion in. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. class especially someone who is middle to poor class but I have seen those who are poor -Gate-keeping positions in the criminal justice system do tend to show some levels of Bias against blacks is present in all stages of the justice process, it disadvantages them. A PowerPoint used in the Criminal Justice Course Minorities and Justice on Cross Cultural Communications. The majority of a law enforcement officers daily duties consist of one-on-one communication with citizens. Published. In some societies they are stereotyped as lazy people who depend on government aid. (2006). ACLU Memo on Understanding Gender-Biased, Policing. pleaded not guilty, but was sentenced to 30 days in jail, and forced to pay a $500 fine (Bleckensderfer, can end up ending the life of another. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. It is particularly notable in issues related Long, 2014). fugitive got missing a court date for a crime unrelated to murder. presumed the victim to be a prostitute, or it was an adolescent that they assumed was lying to avoid The models posit that the mode of thinking known as a regular route involves taking a deliberate, careful thought. gun. Culture impacts the effectiveness of the one- on-one communication between people and the criminal justice professionals. Police Officers Explain Why Diversity in Law Enforcement Matters |, Rasmussen University. -85% of LGBT+ individuals are held in solitary confinement for at least part of their Which Police Departments Are as Diverse as, Their Communities? Islamophobia and Law Enforcement in a Post 9/ This may be interpreted by others to mean they are different. Most colleges offering undergraduate degrees in criminal justice also offer a curriculum that includes the study of diversity in criminal justice. Vice. -Female officers are often seen as weak in comparison to their male counterparts Include an example from your (or anothers) examination of implicit biases. Play dashcam video from cnn/2017/06/20/us/philando-castile-shooting- Both the New York Police Department and the FBI have launched class not receive help knowing they truly needed it. 15% (Deans, 2015). sentence (Jones, 2021). This examination of police training in a culturally diverse society describes the basic nature of culture and then addresses the naive assumptions held by many Americans regarding cultural diversity, followed by recommendations on how police can overcome barriers to cross-cultural communication. Raphling, J., & Austin-Hillary, N. (2021, January 15). Effective training suggests dividing sensitivity training into two distinct types: race-relations or sensitivity and cultural or racial awareness. This phenomenon is known as "acculturation" and takes place when individuals coming from different cultural groups come into contact with each other and change their cultural patterns as a result of this contact (Redfield, Linton, & Herskovits, 1936; Renteln, 2004 ). A 67-year-old poor woman was jailed for not being able to pay trash-removal citation fine in Fergusson. (2020, April 27). In most criminal cases involving a white and a black, the determination of verdicts is at the discretion of the juries who rule in favor of a white offender. with, everything being recorded now days cops are having to be more, accountable which is also making communication with the public, more important as the have a lot of questions sometimes when, watching bodycam footage of say a shooting. Philando Castile shooting: Dashcam video shows rapid event. The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber) Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud) Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Premium This is a Premium Document. As society and the law enforcement workforce become more diverse, however, the ability to manage cultural diversity becomes essential. A 67-year-old woman was jailed for not paying related to a trash-removal citation. assault Why couldnt you just keep your knees together? and "Why didn't you just sink your bottom Rasmussen University. Conlon, K., & Gallman, S. (2014, April 2). Culture, particularly in the USA, is made up of a miscommunication. However, those experienced in police training are now reviewing the courses being taught from a police training perspective, to adjust the politically correct content and methodology. Employers within the criminal justice sector place a heavy emphasis on hard skills, and rightfully so. Topics include the following: introduction to cultural awareness; legal basis for cultural training; elements of culture; intercultural dynamics; conflict perspective; structural functionalism; interactionist perspective; gender (dynamics); sexual harassment policy; customs; art; music; food; ceremonies and rituals; (2007). doi/10.13169/islastudj.3.1. Effective listening is key to victim advocate because it builds a trust relationship with the client. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. -In January of 2013, Robert Ethan Saylor died of asphyxiation after being handcuffed and Generally women are perceived as weak people in the society, this is a stereotype. CNN. loved ones and that is something we cannot take lightly. social class, etc. Bleckensderfer, G. R. (2014, April 1). Windy City Times. Social diversity and multiculturalism is more prevalent in the justice system than in the rest of society. As a paralegal your job is to assist the lawyer in charge of the case and you, work alongside them. 40% of that number are girls, who were assigned female at birth. For example, the mentally challenged have on several occasions been raped but their cases go unmentioned. Your project can be presented in a variety of presentation formats, but must include visual representation in addition to talking points. IvyPanda. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. IvyPanda. Marquette Elders, Advisor , 7 (2). initially relegated to many clerical tasks until the passage of Title VII in 1964, which prohibited A black suspect (George Floyd) was murdered by policemen because of racism. The objective is to equip police officers with cultural competencies. Explain how cultural stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal justice settings. system of the unknown that can make them a target for harm. Subculture. African American are more likely to be convicted for crimes they did not commit. There are those who feel Middle Eastern religions are a threat Criminals do not discriminate or care as long as they get, Sometimes it is hard for people to come forward and communicate. Police officers can become more culturally aware by knowing their own culture; learning about the various cultures found within the agency and in the community; understanding the dynamics of cross-cultural communication, adjustment, and conflict; and developing cross-cultural communicative, analytical, and interpretative skills. Human Rights Watch. -Many people in the LGBT+ community are often seen as overly sexualized deviants, who are well as fear that their legal immigrant status will be called into question (Shah et al., 2007). welfare programs at 25% for SNAP benefits due to systematic inequality of wages and opportunity Make sure to utilize the speaker notes function in the presentation if you do not include a video or voiceover. -People with disabilities are 3x more likely to be the victim of crime than their peers without Yale Law School reports that 54 percent of the Class of 2024 is comprised of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Simply Psychology. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from, windycitytimes/lgbt/Arizona-student-fights-for-right-to-walk-while-trans/46817.html. World. Arab-Americans,. -Common Stereotypes for people who do not speak English is that they are often perceived as -Culture is used as an umbrella term to encompass a variety of behaviors, norms, customs, As technology is used to commit more sophisticated crimes, law enforcement officers and those in the legal system are increasingly using tech tools to combat crime. disabilities Hence, it hinders quest for justice. Diverse culture causes results to miscommunication, in accuracies, and misunderstandings. For instance, It is not necessary for a victim advocate to state a client cultural identity. Another valuable skill I developed was networking. What the data say about police brutality and racial bias and which, reforms might work. New York Cops Will Arrest You for Carrying Condoms. In the 1990's and today, officers continue to receive training in cultural awareness and communication. mindfulness regarding the situation at hand. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 4:2, 307-323, DOI: 10/. The difference between race and ethnicity the US population reporting that they speak dont speak English well at all (Lead with Languages, Post Bail. Carr, C. L., & Johnson, L. (2018). (3) the role the leader plays in balancing communication culture, and (4) the relationship between perceived communication culture from the supervisors and patrol officers' perspectives. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from, The Sentencing Project. United States, however it was not until the 1970s and early 1980s that the stereotype evolved from the You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you intensive operations to monitor the daily lives of many Muslims, and even infiltrate mosques. The study addresses a wide range of stress-related topics, including violence, shiftwork, and alcohol abuse; according to the researchers, it is the first comprehensive national study of the law enforcement community. : an American History (Eric Foner), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the, U. Arab-Americans, for example, may get out of a vehicle after being pulled over as a courtesy to police officers. In an effort to ensure that a community's police force is representative of its population, many police departments initiate diversity recruitment programs. Additional some advocates are loyal to their race hence making a victim representation in the court ineffective. unintelligent and uncooperative, or worse as threatening. Provide at least one example of each typespeaking and listeningwhen there is miscommunication. -Contraculture which are ways of life or attitudes that are opposed or variant to the -Those with disabilities pay say what they think the police officers want to hear, including probation address the medical and social care needs of elderly prisoners? 0 In contrast, the heuristic route uses a short-cut by utilizing pre-existing knowledge, which is stereotypical. Some important cultural differences could cause miscommunication. Manifestation of Prostitution ordinance. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. -The School-to-Prison Pipeline Refers to the strict zero-tolerance policies that funnel many Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including: Terms related to classifications of cultures (e.g., contraculture), The difference between race and ethnicity, The difference between discrimination and prejudice. Vera Institute of Justice. Miscommunication in the criminal justice system leads to negative outcomes such as prejudice and racial profiling. Implicit bias: A policeman can easily shoot a black man compared to a white man. Croft, J. C. (2017, June 21). You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Law enforcement responded to a call about a, possible hit and run. body cams to record the whole conversation and parts of the. describes people with geographic location. ALERRT's Dr. Peter Blair on scene management during active shooter response Katherine Schweit on the progress being made in stopping the active shooter threat New Technology coming to New Orleans using DNA to find out if a person is connected to other crimes 1,500 courses and videos for every training need. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. Include the following: Five examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful when generalized and lead to poor decision making: Disability (including mental disabilities), A brief explanation of the history behind stereotyping one of these five diverse communities in the United States. downs syndrome, and despite his caretaker pleading with the officers to wait and let her take care of the Effective communication is critical within criminal justice organizations. There is a need for people to work and represent people that want, redemption and help with what happened to them, In March of 2017 Magdiel Sanchez was shot and killed in front of his, home because he was deaf. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. They can be harmed or even murdered so it is extremely important to handle these types This causes police departments to have to be very cautious ween communicating with the public which has led . Retrieved November 20, 2021, from edition.cnn/2017/06/20/us/philando-castile-shooting-. Nitschke, F. T., McKimmie, B. M., & Vanman, E. J. NBC News Specials. "Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes." aggressively. -Gender-biased policing is when explicit or implicit biases around gender negatively impact Retrieved November 21, 2021, from The judicial system treats young offenders with leniency compared to older criminals because it is believed that the young hardly knows what is right or wrong. Court proceedings thus require one to maintain eye contact when listening. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from (Betts, n.)) (Mcleod, 2008). institutions, particularly LGBT+ youth, who have been abandoned by their families for their lifestyles People's behaviors stem from the internalization of cultural conditioning. Culture. violence cases (Park et al., 2016). (2015, February 25). When communicating with criminals, witnesses, suspects, victims, attorneys, and law enforcement, it is imperative that effective communication is employed, because if not, it could change the life of other people. Gender- Plays a role in jobs and everyday life. Cultural diversity training for law enforcement began in the 1960's. Summarizing information to ensure mutual understanding. [7] Impairment of any of these are risk factors for mental disorders, or mental illnesses . You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think IDOC (2022) lists 15 prison facilities in Indiana for adult males. Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including: Terms related to classifications of cultures (e.g., contraculture) Aday, R. H., & Krabill, J. J. Ethnic gaps are the widest in Massachusetts where the rate is four-to-one. Race refers to the physical characteristics of an individual (White, Black, Asian, etc.) Three examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: You are working in one of the following civilian roles located in your hometown or work area, or in a nearby metropolitan area. times that of younger prisoners. -Ageism was coined in 1969 by Robert N. Butler, and although he used the term primarily for -Detroit Police Department failed to process 11,000 test kits because they how police conduct a criminal investigation, and is often most prevalent in sexual assault and domestic born to not as who they identify with which can cause harm to them and even death. Some police forces in communities with prevalent minority cultures offer diversity training. Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). Nigerian, etc. The, manhunt lasted 12 days before Dorner killed himself in a cabin (Rubin, In America it is not uncommon for people to think of inner-city black, people as nothing more than criminals. The manner of listening vary in different cultural groups and also in the justice system. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. that dif, -Contraculture which are ways of life or attitudes that are opposed or variant to the, Race refers to the physical characteristics of an individual (White, Ethnicity refers to the cultural background an individual comes from (V, Prejudice is the negative attitude towards an indivi, Miscommunication - Shooting of Keith Childr, -US Marshals requested backup under the guise of Childress being an armed fugitive, accused, -Suspect was shot five times, only for it to later be revealed t, fugitive got missing a court date for a crime unrelated to murder, -Philandro Castile was fatally shot during a t. he was reaching was his license and registration. Imagine if instead of sending convicted offenders to prison, we sentenced them to heavy surveillance at home: cameras, audio recording, GPS monitoring, blood-alcohol content monitors, and so on.. 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