1086(1):8190. Having OHS on 10/5/12 to repair a vsd as well as repairing my pulmonary valve. The chest pain has been significantly less but is still there. I like cardiac rehab but I still dont feel 100 % and it is very frustrating especially when I see people in rehab that are so much older than I am, that are doing better. I just finished Cardiac Rehab, and that helped me to improve physically. However Ive been concerned about the chest pain and numb arm spells which I have 3-5 of daily. I dont feel quite so alone reading your stories. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. Anyone experienced something similar? Please give me some advice Thanks. I had 9 hours of surgery on April 9, so I am going on 9 months. I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I had my bypass april 3, and i doing good, exercise 4 to 5 days a week, however i stil have a discomfort in my chest sometimes, that concerns me, should I still be feeling this discomfort, I wonder how long will i feel this. . You raise a really good question about nerve damage and heart surgery. I dont have any breathing or heart pain, thank goodness, but my incision on my chest still burns a lot, especially the very bottom and very top of the incision. Hi all, i wish all and everyone are healthy and overcome this troublesome soon. Its been 7 months since my valve surgery and the journey has been hard.at times lonley and you feel your fighting an uphill battle. Slight swelling in your legs, which lasts four months or more. Adam Pick is a heart valve patient and author of The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. I so appreciate reading how everyone in the zipper club is doing, though im Sorry for those who are having such a difficult time. This burning sensation worsens at night and it keeps me up for hours. All content provided in this blog, website, or any linked materials, including text, graphics, images, patient profiles, outcomes, and information, are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. i have stopped smoking and trying to eat healthy as possible. It's normal . Idk. Pretty much SOP whenever they spread/crack the ribs. I felt fine was cycling 20km regular and walking 10km regular and going the gym 4 times a week. I have also had numbness on my right breast since my surgery on 2/14 of this year. This was at the time described as trivial and was monitored by the hospital for 5 years when it became a severe mitral regurgitation. "Chest wall pain after cardiac surgery may normally last 3-6 weeks, but may last as long as 12 weeks on rare occasions," says Dr. Michael Fiocco, Chief of Open Heart Surgery at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the nation's top 50 heart hospitals. mostly as a precaution. Hang in there, you are not alone. A lot of the pain and tightness comes when I try to roll over and sleep on my side. Bill Welsh Thank you all for your post and stories, I am a 67 year male, I am beginning to feel better and maybe normal(?) Thank you all. I am NOT on dialysis so I celebrate that! Sorry for jumping right in, and so. A slight amount of facial nerve damage could affect a patient's ability to smile. I was walking at least 3 times a week before Christmas. I hope to see if he can help me with my energy. On the other hand, I learned many years ago, that we are not in the world for me, me, me and that we truly not our own but bought with a very steep price, so those are no my decisions to make. Good luckIve learned that the walking really helps! I am six weeks out from OHS, and find that I while I feel somewhat better than I did six months prior to diagnosis and surgery, I still have some issues. None of this at all related to the original accident. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. I think the worst days are behind me but as you all know the beginning is very tuff. I have had severe chest pain since the surgery and they think it is Chostachondritis or something like that so that might be what is going on with your boobmine is mainly in my sternum but I would guess your boob could be effected too what it is, is that you have major imflammation from the surgery in that areathey are doing steroid injectionsbut uhmm since I just got over a never ening 5 week period which they think the steroids is the cause I won't be doing them againI may just settle with the pain meds the rest of my life:-) don't know as haven't told the pain management dr. about the bleeding issue yet!!! God bless ?? I was taken off the Vent 1 day post op and then had to be put back on the Vent for 7 days. Acquired a treadmill about 2 weeks after I got home, best thing ever! So last night during dinner, I started getting mild but intensifying pain between my shoulder blades and,after about an hour of that, my breath started coming in shorter breathsAs I had a single beer with my dinner, Im thinking its gasthe Wife thinking Our 30 year relationship was toast.!! I thank God and my family. I have forgot how it could effect others. Sue from Australia, Hi..im on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. Since then hes slow, cold all the time, depressed, and his brain just doesnt work like it used to. So they are not pushing him too much. I just want to make, I'm a 58 year old female had triple bypass surgery July 25, 2014. I cant lift a load of laundry, put dishes away, drive a car, and some days I can hardly get out of bed due to the pain. The electric shocks diminshed with time and only occasionally do I get them now, but the numbness persists and shorted nerve multiple touch sensitivity also persists 8 1/2 years later! J Bone Joint Surg Am. Tanya had a plastic surgery procedure on her gluteal area and ended up with a severe infection that caused scarring around the sciatic nerve. One day at a time. I am 5 months now since the surgery, doing cardiac rehab which is almost over and overall so much better. Needing heart surgery - need information re doctors at U of PA, Advice for other women with heart disease, Endocarditis and other heart valve problems, Experiences with healthcare professionals, Living with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT). chest never felt like ribs were cracked. Often a warm shower is a good treatment. Once I sleep then I sleep well without any disturbance (Gods grace).. Rest of the time I am fine as I dont think about it nor I have breathing issues. also experienced complete visionary loss in one eye, and significant headache. I had a quad in May andI still have pain.If you left your breast it relaxthe muscles. Best wishes, Chris Lardiere. I wish and pray you all get stronger and continue to heal physically and mentally from this mind blowing experience! They're meant for patients' well-being. Finding some comfort, ease, in reading your posts. Whereas, I am 46 and they replaced St.Judes Aortic valve (Metal) and it might last 35 to 40 years. The result of this was that where was no pressing need for an op at this time (this was exactly a year ago in June 2019) I was then booked for 6 monthly checks. Cooking, which I loved, now is exhausting. Had full set of Labs last week. Soon your partner Bob will be home and on his way to recovery, just like my partner. You are right and yes, there are many things that are common to both men and women that can affect how we heal as well as a few things that you point out are quite different in our physiology. Hi. how to get rid of dark marks under breast how to get rid of dark marks under breast 2012;2(4):129131. Well that didn't happen exactly. Heck, he was doing TAVR on every one else?! Hi everyone, I will be eight weeks out tomorrow. Wow what a journey we have gone through! I feel like an invalid. So he must want you here for a purpose, if not for nothing else but to realize all anyone of us have is today. Around 5 percent of the women who undergo breast augmentation will experience permanent nipple numbness after surgery. Have recently been switched to carafate but too soon to know if it will work. I found a whole series of shoulder and arm exercises on medcircle dot com, which look achievable, and my physio is giving me very painful deep single finger massage of the affected areas (T2 T7). Everyones stories are very informative. Theres a blood thinner, a beta blocker and metformin to control sugar. I am 4 months post OHS for aortic valve replacement and 1 bypass. My struggle is with pain between my shoulder blades. I too had triple bypass surgery on 3rd September. Hello, I had OHS via thoracotomy couple of months ago. Much to live for! Ive never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. I treated the entire length of the nerve, starting in the low back using fluoroscopy guidance, then turning to ultrasound-guided injections to treat the sciatic nerve down to the tibial and peroneal branches in the leg and foot. It has gotten some better but not completely. I was told I had a rib that hadn't settled into the right place yet and it could also be caused by the nerves healing. But here you all are, and your struggles and victories, while unique, are also very similar to mine. Its a goal. When I asked 2 of My Drs if they had ever had a patient do what I did, lose so much time and think they were fighting a war or helping catch criminals and so forth during my 2 weeks of Vents and recovery? I feel that I should be back to 90% at least, but I still have issues. Chest still sore opposite the incision. so live and love and know God loves you. I never took any medications before this. The most common form causes numbness in the hands, usually in . I acknowledge with all the complications & now ongoing health issues I never had before, there has got to be a reason why. What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. I didnt find anyone on this blog who have had this condition. He just rolled his eyes! What with coping with the sternum pain as well, it was very painful. Im 39 years old and this was something unexpected. Also lost all normal taste. I am currently doing Cardiac rehab 3 days a week along with walking most every day. Pain, maybe, but not excruciating. After a week, at home I called my surgeon and was told they had no, idea what it could be. Hoping it goes away soon. 63 years old with no symptoms whatsoever. Please stay positive. Lepr Rev. God Bless and I will pray for you.. Jan 3, 2012. One of the biggest issues we see after surgery is scarring around the nerves (1). I find that if I stick to these 2 things religiously (because there certainly isnt very much else that we can control, besides diet, exercise, and sleep! I hope you can talk to your Dr. About the meds. Now almost three years later and I still have pain my incision has keloids. I couldnt breathe or walk very far so what exactly was my quality of life? Hello, 5 months out from surgery. Hi Vanna, Yes it is normal of getting tired and dizziness. My dr. is planning on taking me off of it and prescribing something different. Weigh yourself each day. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Use a heating pad or ice pack . after reading the many stories. This will improve steadily. He was available and my old cardiologist was off the grid. I couldnt find that fool for anything! Im 47 and had 5 heart bypass December 10th of 2018. Heart beat is 130.blood My MVR by open heart surgery is due this month.i am worried.what to do?? I had a calcium score build up test and was told I should be dead and was lucky not to have had a heart attack because that would have killed me. In connection with a bout of Arterial Fibrullation two months ago, I was taken off of Plavix and put on Eliquis. Id hoped this would go on a good few years before I needed OHS. I am 3 months from terrible mitral valve replacement and couple other procedures. However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. Some parts are numb and some areas feel as though someone took a hammer to them, still can't lay on my stomach, barely on my side and hurry in the shower. Can you share me if it is normally? You will feel tired and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. 10 days later I mowed the front lawn and half my neighbours and walked the dog (she is 72 and did the rest of her lawn). Normal? She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. , putting my feelings aside and wanting only what is best for him, I will let his needs guide the ship. Hi Vince. I am NOT a depressed individual by any means, and have gone through Thyroid Cancer removal (15 years ago) and Melanoma surgery (1 1/2 months) before the OHS, with little side effects. If you want to change your health for the better, I had to change what I was doing and the greatest change was joining an online group a physician led group and I am seeing the results and by mid July my plan is to have reached my goal weight and my cholesterol and blood pressure will be where it should be. Im getting very afraid reading most of these post. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Taylor & Francis. Losing 20 lbs. You will have over the shoulder pains after but it doesn't last long. My feet and ankles and legs swell. Thank you Lord for placing each Angel in my path as I slowly gained mobility and strength! Had aortic valve replacement and repair to my tricuspid valve six months ago. Be kind to yourself and remember full recovery can take 12 weeks. I am scared, especially the pounding & discomfort in my chest. I was given a larger dose of ameoderone for AF and told this should improve my erratic heart rate. Ive always been positive & happy, but as I look back, I was feeling a little depression from feeling tired & miserable before the surgery, now that there is some Oxygen flowing, I generally feel great, I have a new lease on life! How long did it take? Read More. I walk almost every day hoping that helps but it doesnt because its a struggle to do it. One day at a time, good luck to all of you. Sadly but necessarily the hospital has suspended all visiting because of Covid-19 but I have been able to talk to Bob on the phone. Hi Teresa, If you think your genetics is also causing high cholesterol, we are here to help! Time heals all wounds. Any information is more than welcome. Somehow this nerve shorted to another nerve, so for many years, I touch my knee and feel that touch in 3 places from my ankle to my knee! It was diagnosed as Costachondritis which is basically inflammation from the cartilage between the ribs and the pain radiates from under the breast to shooting pains in the breast. This surgery will require a . idea what it could be. Understanding the "pins and needles" feeling. Pace maker implant 20 years ago after running the New York marathon with a fever and ended up with pericarditis. I had triple bypass the end of November and am looking at going back to work in a couple weeks. I guess the discomfort never goes away. About that time, I started to aggressively look for my old Cardiologist and guess what? Theresa, Our situations sound very similar. I surmise that it is very painful, I cant imagine the pain he feels. I too take one day at a time. They just seem horribly difficult right now. Yesterday I had a cath and they discovered a blockage in a V formed where the LAD arterial meets a lesser artery. I suppose we think, throughout our lives, that we are immortal and it seems that I have realised I am not! This only lasted a couple of weeks and am back to my usual happy self. Now about nine months out still have some minor tingling at incision and drain tube scars. Search Hospitals, Greg Lewis from The biomedical engineering handbook (third ed.). My mother had hers over 10 yrs ago & still gets them on/off but not frequent. Was super fit, non drinker, non smoker, conscious of mu food intake and now.. BOOM! I have nerve pain on my left side preferably around my armpit. He should be out of the hospital in 4-5 days after surgery. And on Feb. 5th rhiz year i had a aortic aneurysm. What is likely happening is that scar tissue and connective tissue has grown limiting the movement on the left side which is why the act of reaching causes pain. I provided some thoughts for Sean below, but Im curious to know if you experienced this heart surgery complication. Unfortunately there is no cure and it resolves itself, but mine is back again after lifting bags of Xmas shopping. The nerves have been damaged and MAY never heal 100%. Finally he said that I had a blockage of my aortic valve! Pain is our smoke detector. Thoughts? Some days its all day, some days Im ok. An implantable loop recorder is a device that records the heartbeat continuously for up to three years. I feel healthy, Im still active and I have no symptoms. Ive been reading comment after comment. Tingling or numbness in your elbow or fingers. Now going on 5weeks post-op, im exhausted, bad insomnia, scar area burns like crazy. When does the pain from open heart surgery go away? This blog raises many concerns about short and long-term quality of life, LIFE being the operative term. 2015;26(9):522527. Were both wondering if this is it, i.e., is this as much improvement as hes going to experience, or will he get stronger? I happy to say that this was a success and my left atrium has shrunk almost back to normal and ejection fraction is almost normal.i am walking 5 miles daily. I have to keep my head above water & just keep trying to move forward regardless of how slow that may be. vitamin deficiency, such as a lack of vitamin . Hello Ramesh. Im 11 months post quintuple bypass. I was told I had a congenital heart problem at 63 years of age. This ordeal has definitely showed me that I am not. My surgeon says there is nothing they can do and is just the way I, Please someone tell me I will not have chest pain for the rest of my life. to The Cleveland Clinic for a complete checkup. Ivy had a bad IV stick in her hand during which they injured the cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve. TYPE OF SURGERY Most women have spare tissue on the chest wall and under the arms so this tissue can be used to fill the space where the tumour has been removed. 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