More than 80% of inmates serving mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses . (Senate Bill 768 / Johnson, Yager, Bowling, Akbari, Bailey, Gilmore, Haile, Jackson, Reeves / Public Chapter 410 Section 2 and 4 are effective January 1, 2022, Sections 5-8 are effective July 1, 2021, Sections 9-15 are effective July 1, 2021. The legislation also increases penalties for firearm-related crime to promote public safety including: Tennessee will still retain its carry permitting process for gun owners who want to take advantage of reciprocity to carry in other states and for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) exemption. Other changes to present law under the Reentry Success Act of 2021 include clarification that victims may submit videos for their victim impact statements, and waiving certain application costs for restricted drivers licenses. (Senate Bill 440 / Rose, Pody / Public Chapter 439 Effective July 1, 2021). As enacted, authorizes the index of appropriations from state tax revenues for 2021-2022 fiscal year to exceed the index of estimated growth in the state's economy by $2,997,600,000 or 16.08 percent. The act was the culmination of a bi-partisan effort to improve criminal justice outcomes, as well as to reduce the size of the federal . Pass. The central remaining sentencing reform in the Durbin-Lee legislation would reduce mandatory minimum penalties for certain nonviolent drug offenses. Statute of Limitations / Commercial Sex Trafficking Another new statute aiming to curb human trafficking removes the statute of limitations for any commercial sex trafficking offense committed against a child on or after July 1, 2021. Drag racing The Senate and House of Representatives approved legislation to discourage drag racing, which is becoming an increasing public safety issue on Tennessee roadways. A captive insurance company, which are called captives, represents an option for many corporations and groups wanting to take financial control and manage their business risks by forming their own insurance company. Firearm Information Privacy Protection Act A new law passed in 2021 protects the anonymity of citizens related to firearm ownership. Truth in Sentencing The 112th General Assembly passed major Truth in Sentencing legislation strengthening protections for victims and their families. Two-Generation is a program which focuses on intergenerational poverty through a whole family approach. Reduce the current mandatory sentencing serving time from 85 % to 65% retroactive for all offenders. The remaining sections take effect May 25, 2021. Under the new law, the victim must prove in court they are a victim of human trafficking in order to use deadly force. (Senate Bill 841/ Johnson, Bowling, Crowe, Jackson, Rose, Stevens, Pody, White / Public Chapter 528 Effective July 1, 2021) (Senate Bill 842/ Johnson, Crowe, Rose, Stevens / Public Chapter 394 Effective July 1, 2021). The measure ensures that a juvenile convicted of conduct that would constitute rape, aggravated rape, rape of a child or aggravated rape of a child if committed by an adult cannot work or volunteer at a place that is in close or frequent contact with children. But lawyers say the reality of the law is much more complicated. Gov. (Senate Bill 677 / Massey, Hensley, Powers, Gilmore, Haile, Akbari, Yarbro / Public Chapter 474 For the purpose of making appointments it is effective May 18, 2021, otherwise it is effective July 1, 2021). Passed H., as am., Ayes 90, Nays 1, PNV 0, H. Placed on Regular Calendar for 4/22/2021, Placed on cal. May not be convicted of an A-1 felony (except for Penal Law Article 220 drug felony) May not be convicted of a Violent Felony Offense as defined in Penal Law 70.02. Cole v Crow Civ-20-655-G and Civ-21-318-J. It also cuts the taxes on the retail sale of prepared food for restaurants during the same time period. Less than two years later, Isaiahs biological parents gave birth to their second son, Eli, for which the law is named. Animal Cruelty Aggravated animal cruelty is a grave crime that includes intentionally killing or causing serious physical harm to a companion animal such as a dog or a cat. The new law creates standards and metrics for student athlete safety in a program that has been recognized as one of the most comprehensive health and safety programs in the United States for K-12 athletics. (Senate Bill 767 / Johnson, Stevens, Yager, Akbari, Bailey, Gilmore, Haile, Jackson, Reeves / Public Chapter 409 Effective July 1, 2021 and applies to court determinations made on or after that date). (Senate Bill 1592 Bailey, Rose / Public Chapter 421 Effective July 1, 2021). COVID-19 Recovery / TN Business Fairness Act A new law approved this year allows businesses to remain open during a pandemic or other health emergency if they follow guidelines issued by any government to keep their customers and employees safe. Thirty-seven percent of the current felony population expire their sentence, returning to the community without oversight. if am., ref. The measure will help individuals purchasing a license for a particular season, like Dove season, which opens on September 1 from having their license expire only a few months later, rather than enjoying the full year before expiration. The mandatory supervision does not create automatic parole eligibility for those who are not eligible, including those convicted of certain particularly violent or egregious crimes and those who are to life without parole or to the death penalty. The latest modernizations to Tennessees captive laws include authorizing parametric insurance coverage and reducing the statutory capital needed by protected cell captive insurers to commence operations from $250,000 to $100,000. . Student Athletes / Safe Stars Act Legislation to protect the health of student athletes was approved by lawmakers this year. Individuals will still be expected to pass an assessment to ensure they are qualified. Special Session / Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act Among other measures in this comprehensive legislation addressing learning losses, this legislation strengthens the states 3rd grade reading retention policy by ensuring that students are on grade-level before being promoted to the 4th grade. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 offered federal funding to states that implemented so-called truth in sentencing laws, which limited their use of early release. It combines parent and child interventions to break the cycle of poverty and create a pathway to economic security. The final bill lawmakers sent to Northam sets a flat rate of 15 days off for every 30 days served, which would reduce a 10-year sentence to a little over six and a half years. Nobody is talking about giving a handout here. For the rest of felony cases, judges would choose from a narrower range of sentences. The bill never received a vote in the Senate and died on May 17, when the legislative session ended. (Senate Bill 867 / Lundberg, Bowling, Haile, Massey, Rose / Public Chapter 568 Effective July 1, 2021). Here's what they'll do. Government Operations Committee for 3/29/2021, Rec. To address these challenges, the Taskforce Report also included over 20 suggestions for the improvement of the current system, including recommendations regarding sentencing alternatives, education and treatment in local jails, the prioritization of high-risk and violent individuals, community supervision, and successful reentry. This legislation will support their efforts and serve as a recruitment tool to ensure the very best continue to serve in the Tennessee National Guard. The remainder is effective April 22, 2021). SACRAMENTO . (Senate Bill 1224 / Rose, Hensley, Pody / Public Chapter 453 Effective July 1, 2021), (NASHVILLE) February 23, 2023 The Senate Education Committee unanimously approved legislation to prohibit the, (NASHVILLE) The Senate is in full swing. The lawsuit has been assigned to Davidson CountyChancellor Anne C. Martin. (Senate Bill 1521 / Roberts, Massey / Public Chapter 507 Effective July 1, 2021). Someone needs to look into two cases filed by an Oklahoma inmate addressing how the ODOC is unfairly restricting 85 percent inmates from reentry, stepdown, and reintegration programs and the other has to deal with credits being earned but in violation of the constitution are being withheld. (Senate Bill 1121 / White, Pody / Public Chapter 364 Effective July 1, 2021 and applies to violations occurring on or after that date). Select categories: Prison Fellowship applauds their innovative leadership in providing alternatives to incarceration and pathways to reentry success and looks forward to seeing the legislation signed into law by Governor Lee. The new law stems from an incident where a juvenile convicted of raping a 5-year-old boy was volunteering at an elementary school where the victim was zoned to attend. Protecting Law Enforcement Informants Over the past several years, law enforcement has seen a decline in the number of people willing to work with them due to instances where defendants are intimidating informants. Helping Heroes Grant State lawmakers approved legislation this week to aid Tennessee veterans by expanding eligibility for the Helping Heroes Grant. Eli, much like Isaiah, was subjected to traumatizing levels of abuse. (Senate Bill 214 / Massey, White, Rose / Public Chapter 246 Effective July 1, 2021). Virginia Inmates May Be Eligible for Early Release. STRONG Act / Tennessee National Guard Legislation which expands eligibility for tuition reimbursement for members of the Tennessee National Guard under Tennessees Support, Training, and Renewing Opportunity for National Guardsmen (STRONG) Act was also approved. This bill helps people who want to help themselves, asserted Curcio. Those calculations vary from case to case. NY. Safe Home for Trafficked Children A new law was approved to help prevent minors who are victims of human trafficking from being prosecuted for prostitution and ensure they are given the care they need to recover. By doing so, it will ensure that the lowest paid teachers within Tennessee will receive the raises. This is particularly important for patients with chronic, complex or rare diseases. (Senate Bill 476 / Bell, Jackson / Public Chapter 590 Effective July 1, 2021). It increases civil penalties for individuals using false identities to secure benefits. Furthermore, the new statute does not allow health insurance companies to restrict transplantation coverage for the sole reason of a persons disability. It also allows a court to order a child held for threatening mass violence on a school to undergo a mental health evaluation. Crime / Good Samaritan State lawmakers approved legislation this year which enhances penalties for murder against a person who was acting as a Good Samaritan. This refers to a person who helps, defends, protects, or renders emergency care to a person in need without compensation. According to Tennessee law, . A Class 1 felony; 2. According to Tennessee law, they have to spend more than half a century behind bars before they can even be eligible for release. Teachers / Endorsement Pathways A new law which seeks to increase retention of high-quality educators by providing an alternative endorsement pathway has passed the General Assembly. . Sex Trafficking / Full Sentence Another bill passed this year adds those convicted of sex trafficking to the category of sexual predators who are ineligible for early parole or release before completion of their full sentence. This provides members of the National Guard returning from State Active Duty the same right to reemployment afforded to servicemembers called to federal active service, protecting them from discrimination in the workplace based on their military service. Hughes had previously been scheduled for a new hearing in the summer of 2022, two years after the last time he went before the board, according to the lawsuit. A sentencing court may require a person sentenced for either offense to pay restitution for the destruction of normal activities. Governor Hochul Signs Criminal Justice Reform Legislation to Give Formerly Incarcerated New Yorkers Second Chances, Reducing Recidivism and Enhancing Public Safety . State Representative Michael Curcio (R-Dickson) sponsored the bill. Some want to make it easier for people to get out of prison. If the Board of Parole declines parole, the time period for the next hearing would be set at six years, instead of 10 as provided under current law, unless an inmate is serving a sentence for multiple first-degree murder or facilitation of first-degree murder. The conversation or data from these platforms is needed to corroborate the victims story of what happened. This bill would have allowed the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to sell tobacco products to prisoners. Protects rural hospitals that utilize 340B programs across the state to provide lifesaving medication to some of our states most marginalized citizens; Prohibits PBMs from steering patients away from their community pharmacies to PBM-owned pharmacies which is particularly important to patients with chronic, complex and rare diseases like Multiple Sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, cancer, and ALS; Ensures that pharmacies are at least paid their acquisition cost for medications and instructs PBMs to establish a process for pharmacies to appeal their reimbursements from PBMs if it is below the cost; Provides greater transparency to employers who want to gain a better understanding of how their pharmacy benefit expenses are being impacted by spread pricing and rebate retention which ultimately impacts their premiums; and. The new law creates the Tennessee Office of Cooperative Disability Investigation who will work with the United States Social Security Administration to investigate disability claims under the administrations Title II and Title XVI programs. In some case, thats through a program that allows people to leave prison early, as long as they follow certain rules like getting a job and not using drugs. After implementing MailGuard, the average number of drug tests coming back positive from September 2019 to August 2020 hovered around 1 percent, with the exception of two months with zero positive drug tests. Section 6 of this bill purports to delete the language "seventy percent (70%)" from Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 40-35-501(k)(5). Engrossed; ready for transmission to Sen. The office and its operations will be fully funded by the United States Social Security Administration pursuant to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 passed by Congress. She wants the person who shot her son to have the opportunity to go home and mentor others. The new law is a multi-pronged approach to help improve public safety and facilitate positive outcomes for those leaving incarceration. Facilitation of Rape of a Child / Full Sentence State lawmakers approved a new statute requiring a person convicted of the facilitation of rape of a child or aggravated rape of a child to serve 100% of the sentence imposed minus a maximum of 15% sentence reduction credits. This legislation extends the statute of limitations so that traffickers who traffic children can be brought to justice. The U.S. Today, over750 risk-bearing entitiescall Tennessee home. (Senate Bill 1367 / Bell, Rose / Public Chapter 452 Effective July 1, 2021). Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking Victims / Self Defense A new law was enacted to establish certain considerations regarding the use of force by victims of human trafficking. Hunting and Fishing Licenses State lawmakers passed legislation benefitting those who purchase hunting and fishing licenses in Tennessee. Legislation passed this year seeks to protect the identifying information of informants to help remedy this issue. Sen. Keith Perry, a Gainesville-area Republican . (Senate Bill 226 / Hensley, Rose / Public Chapter 215 Effective July 1, 2021). Insurance Consumers / Cybersecurity In recent years, there have been several major data breaches across the country involving large insurance companies that have exposed and compromised the sensitive personal information of millions of consumers. Bill Lees criminal justice investment task force urged legislators to rewrite the states sentencing code, to reduce the number of people in lockup. Lifetime Order of Protection Several important bills were approved before lawmakers adjourned the 2021 session to help victims subjected to stalking and domestic violence. Horwitz, a Nashville lawyer, has been outspoken about what he sees as a disconnect between Lee's campaign promises on criminal justice reform and the practicalrollout of related legislation. The suit, filed Thursday in Davidson County Chancery Court, follows the story of Jeffrey Wayne Hughes. Previously, penalties for evading arrest on foot were far less stringent than those imposed for suspects fleeing in a vehicle. Schedule VI drugs are marijuana and its equivalents. Here's what they'll do, After passing prison reform, Gov. Instead, they solely relied on their ACT scores for eligibility. The new law creates an additional resource to attract multimedia productions and projects that are in the best interest of the state. Film and Animation Opportunities Legislation passed this year allows more incentives for qualified animation or film productions to do business in Tennessee. Discounts are subject to availability and only apply to reservations made within 30 days of the intended stay. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed two major criminal justice reform bills into law Monday. for pass by s/c ref. (Senate Bill 749 / Johnson, Haile, Yarbro, Campbell / Public Chapter 280 Rulemaking it is effective May 3, 2021, otherwise it is effective July 1, 2021). Change the law for non-violent offenders to serve 65% of their time instead of 85%. Senate Bill 726 / Johnson, Bailey, Stevens / Public Chapter 537 Rulemaking is effective on May 25, 2021. Over the 10-year period from 2011 to 2021, the adult imprisonment rate declined 30%. The adoptive parents continued receiving financial benefits for both children after their death. The order prohibits the defendant and their counsel from publishing the information or statements made before or during the trial. It speeds up the process to the higher court so the issue can be resolved timely rather than leaving it in limbo. Compared to the 90-day timeframe textbooks are currently required to be available to the public. for pass. The inmate must have no disciplinary record, be designated low risk for community supervision and must have completed or be enrolled in recommended programing to help ensure successful reentry into society. (Senate Bill 1304 Bell, Rose, Stevens / Public Chapter 341 Effective July 1, 2021). hether in prison or during reentry, people should be offered avenues for personal transformation and success. (Senate Bill 1183 / Jackson, Bowling, Akbari, Crowe, Niceley, Powers, Rose / Public Chapter 427 Effective July 1, 2021). A new law approved in April 2020 was meant to right that wrong, finally passing after years of attempts from Democratic lawmakers in the state. to Government Operations Committee, HOUSE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SUBCOMMITTEE: Rec for pass if am by s/c ref. Lamberths proposal hearkens back to a concept popularized in the 1990s tough-on-crime era, called truth in sentencing. The idea is that the sentence someone receives will reflect the actual amount of time theyll spend behind bars. It also places new restrictions and public disclosure requirements if they contract with state government in general to help ensure high ethical standards are maintained. The arrest warrant said the children were fed a starvation diet of light bread and water by their adoptive parents. Substantially more inmates serving shorter sentences; Significant cost reduction by modifying the gain-time law form 85% Mandate to 65%, this would result in and estimated reduction of 7,772 inmates and a cost avoidance of nearly $1 billion . Gavin Newsom on Friday signed laws aimed at reducing prison sentences for people convicted of drug- and gang-related crimes, despite concerns from . The two new laws -- the Alternatives to Incarceration Act and the Re-Entry . On Wednesday, the Tennessee State Senate, acting unanimously, extended final legislative approval to these reforms. (Senate Bill 451 / Bell, Bowling, Jackson, Reeves, Rose, Stevens / Public Chapter 440 Effective July 1, 2021). At least two more inmate deaths linked to COVID-19 were reported this month, . It ensures certain violent or sexual offenders serve 100 percent of the sentence imposed by a judge or jury. The state's Parole Board has identified 549 prisoners about 2% of Virginia's total prison population who are eligible for parole consideration under the so-called "Fishback" law . (Senate Bill 909 / Johnson, Briggs, Jackson, Massey, Stevens / Public Chapter 456 / Effective July 1, 2021). Provides more transparency for patients in real time when they are in a physicians office as to what medications cost and their formulary. Disabled Veterans / State Employee / Sick Leave A new law in Tennessee allows a state employee, who is a veteran with a service-connected disability of 30% or more, to receive 36 hours of sick leave each year to attend appointments related to that disability. 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