There she served as the sacristan for daily Masses, crocheted colorful scrubbies for craft sales, and accompanied sisters who were sick or near death. Her family included eight girls and four boys. St. Louis, MO 63125. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She is survived by her sister Rose Dreyer, her brother-in-law, Dr. Robert Weber, her devoted nieces and nephews, and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. Her service in Nicaragua completed, she returned to East Harlem, New York, as a community organizer and coordinator of family health programs. The Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Cecelia will be held on August 31, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin with Father Kenneth Smits, Capuchin, presiding. She was active on the Human Concerns Committee for Marian University and several committees for Holy Family Parish in Fond du Lac. She especially treasured the opportunity to play violin with the Catholic University Symphony during her years of doctoral study. Her final years of educational ministry were spent at St. Michaels Parish in Plymouth, Indiana, where she worked with the kindergarten class and directed religious education programs for children and adults. A fond memory of that time is Sister Joan playing the piano in the Fireside Room to entertain the sisters and staff as they passed through. Her education began in a one-room schoolhouse in Marblehead and continued at St. Josephs 9th Grade and St. Marys Springs Academy, both in Fond du Lac. Francis Home and the staff of Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Germaine in her last years. Carol Gertrude began her love affair with life as she described it, on February 14, 1927. Give a donation in honorofSister Clare Haman. She attended Girls Catholic High School in Hays, Kansas, where she continued being taught by the Sisters of St. Agnes. Memorials can be directed to the CSA Mission Advancement Office, 320 County Road K, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, will be the presider. A Memorial Mass for Sister Caryl will be held Monday, November 22, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Father Kenneth Smits, Capuchin, presiding. Give a donation in honorofSister Nancy. She later earned a Master of Science in Nursing degree from the University of WisconsinMadison as well as a Master of Arts in Theology from Felician University in New Jersey. Thanks to all that "Made it a Habit"! She was the third oldest in her family of eleven, five girls and six boys. She made her profession of vows as a Sister of St. Agnes on August 15, 1934, with the religious name Sister Colombiere. Visitation for Sister Mary Jane will be held at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on Monday, October 15, beginning at 9:00 a.m., followed by a Prayer Service at 11:00 a.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, October 15, 2018, at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Joan was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on September 1, 1932, to Charles William Fisher and Harriet Landreman. All rights reserved. Cremation took place following the service. Later her father married Rose Befort, a widow with two children. Even though she missed the wheat fields of Kansas and the life she shared with her family, her call to religious life beckoned her to Wisconsin and CSA. She founded or had leadership roles in several professional organizations serving musicians in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. Legacy Society; Give Online; 2022 End of Year Appeal; Who We Are. Visitation will be held at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, from 9:00-11:00 a.m. and from 12:00-1:30 p.m. on October 18, 2021. The Sisters of Notre Dame are an international congregation of women religious who serve the Church in seventeen countries on six continents. Patricia was born in Lomira, Wisconsin, on December 17, 1937, the daughter of George Nicholaus Reiser and Genevieve Johannah Seiler Reiser. Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-703845. Rita was born in West Allis, Wisconsin, on September 5, 1926, to Robert J. Today our sponsored institutions reach students from preschool all the way through high school, and as far away as Uganda. Sister Cecelia Schlaefer, CSA, formerly Sister Paul, died peacefully August 17, 2021, at St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She helped lead the community through the many changes in religious life that resulted from the Second Vatican Council. Later she served part-time as a primary reading tutor in New York and Arizona for 3 years. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered at 2:00 p.m., November 23, 2022, at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Tom Zelinski, OFM Cap., presiding. In 1988, Sister Joan moved to New Mexico where she engaged in various ministries among the Native American peoples of the area. in Nursing from Marian College, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1961. Sister joined the community of sisters living at Nazareth Court and Center in January 2013, again offering assistance with financial matters. Mary was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 13, 1924, to Louis Ehrlich and Henrietta Schuck Ehrlich. Mary Catherine was born in St. Peter, Kansas, on May 12, 1931, to Leo Younger and Christine Gerber Younger. A pioneer in individualized instruction, Sister Ruth Ann authored the book, Games for Individualizing Learning, which was published in 1976. Sister Marian Schaechtel, SNDdeN January 24, 2023 The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur ask for prayers for the repose of the soul of Sister Marian Schaechtel, SNDdeN who passed away on January 21, 2023 Read Post Sister Eileen Sweeney, SNDdeN November 3, 2022 Sister Deborah was actively involved in the Fond du Lac community, serving as Interim Director for Bethany House and as Director and Fundraiser for SHARDS, an ecumenical Christian organization serving the uninsured and underinsured inFond du LacCounty and the surrounding area. Please check in for all services at the 375 Gillett Street entrance only. Sister Donna Maries educational pursuits and her many natural talents allowed her to serve in a variety of ministries throughout her years in religious life. . Please check in for the Visitation and Prayer Service at the 375 Gillett Street entrance only. Memorials can be directed to the CSA Mission Advancement Office, 320 County Road K, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. From 1980-1981, Sister Caryl served as a nurse at Clnica Santa Ins in Waspam, Nicaragua, allowing another sister a much-needed sabbatical. 701 E. Columbia Avenue Give a donation in honorofSister Germaine Lichtle. Burial will follow at St. Josephs Springs Cemetery, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Her interest in medicine and healthcare led her to help part-time at St. Agnes Hospital pharmacy for several years while attending summer school at Marian College and, ultimately, to complete her bachelors degree in pharmacy. Give a donation in honorofSister Rachel Doerfler. In July 1996, Sister Loretta moved to Boyle Apostolic Center and volunteered as a Foster Grandparent at nearby St. Patricks School, Fond du Lac. She is survived by her brother Robert Flynn, nieces, and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. She made her profession of vows in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes on August 15, 1943. Sister Ann then actively engaged in ministries of counseling, spiritual direction, and pastoral care in Wisconsin and Kansas for 39 years. The Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Mary Martha will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. in St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Father Kenneth Smits, Capuchin, presiding. Burial took place on April 12, 2018, at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. A favorite pastime for Sister was creating handicrafts, especially in preparation for the Christmas season. She earned her B.S. Francis Home and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Clare Marie in her last years. Sister Mary Menke, CSA, formerly known as Sister Doreen, died peacefully January 27, 2022, at Nazareth Court and Center, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Sister Janice moved for a time to St. Agnes Convent, Fond du Lac. She entered St. Agnes Convent in August 1961. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Hospice Hope for their compassion and care of Sister Mary. Sister Marie Endres was preceded in death by her parents Aloysius Leo Endres and Monica Schwab Endres; her brothers Leo, Aloysius, Matthias, and John; her sisters Rutilla Paar, Cyrilla Dahmen, Sister Yvonne Endres, CSA, Dolores Ganser, Monica Statz and Lillian Acker. She received the St. Joseph Volunteer of the Year Award at the St. Marys Springs Benefactors Recognition in May 2009. Following her service as general superior of CSA, Sister Mary continued to have an integral role in Leadership Conference of Women Religious and international organizations which promoted the mission of women religious into the future and those which addressed urgent issues for Catholic healthcare. Give a donation in honorofSister Patricia Scanlan. During this time, she also volunteered at St. Johns Parish in St. John, Wisconsin, and Sacred Heart Parish in Sherwood, Wisconsin. From 1978 1986, she worked in the Business Office of St. Marys Springs High School in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Sister Clare was born in Tiffin, Ohio on August 24, 1923, to John Haman and Agnes Trausch Haman. She is survived by her loving nieces and nephews, other relatives and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. She enjoyed embroidery and spending time visiting the sick and elderly. She made her profession of vows in the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes as Sister Beata on August 15, 1956, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The presider will be Father Ken Smits, Capuchin. View obituary pages for previously recorded prayer services and funeral Masses. She retired from this role in 2013 and chose to continue working as a volunteer in the parish: visiting the homebound, substituting as a catechist, and being a dearly loved presence and support to the staff and parishioners. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, at a later date. Sister Judith was beloved in the Fond du Lac community as an educational and civic leader, as a board member for several organizations serving those in need, and for fostering the expansion of the arts and music in the city. Descarga en espaol. Until her retirement in 2011, Sister Mary was involved in pastoral services at St. Andrew Parish, Verona, Wisconsin. DownloadSister Loretta Meidl's obituaryas a PDF. Descargar la obituario en espaol, Give a donation in honorofSister Cecelia Schlaefer. She made her first profession of vows in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes on August 15, 1970, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Her lovely smile reflected the serenity and gratitude with which she accepted daily life. Having retired to Fond du Lac, she assisted in the sewing room at Nazareth Court and Center, was sacristan and excelled at creating decorations for the worship space. Catherine returned to Fond du Lac to complete her studies, earning her BS in Nursing Education from Marian College in 1954. She taught in elementary schools in Wisconsin including six years as principal and teacher at St. Bernards School, Watertown, Wisconsin. DownloadSister Kathleen Schmitz's obituary. in Elementary Education from Marian College, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, in 1971, and an M. Ed. She became the administrator at St. Charles Borromeo School in Bensenville and ministered there for 22 years. Download Sister Agnes Kircher's obituary. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for Sister Donna Marie at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, May 23, 2022, at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Father James Leary, OFM Cap., presiding. Sister Marie ministered for 27 years in parish schools in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Peter and Paul School, Hortonville, WI; St. Joseph School, Hays, Kansas; St. Louis and St. Patrick School, Fond du Lac, WI; and St. Agnes School, Butler, WI. Across the globe, the Sisters of Notre Dame fight to end Human Trafficking. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center and St. Francis Home who cared for Sister Elizabeth Ann in her final years. Descarga en espaol. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. Her sister, Hattie Thomas, took Loretta into her home in Mayville, Wisconsin, and raised her with her own children. Sister Collean is remembered with great love by her students, their parents, and her faculty members to this day. With Sister Deborahs urging, the support of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, and an anonymous donor, students accepted into the program receive support services and tuition, rent, childcare, and food assistance. She began teaching in Fall 1947 while pursuing undergraduate studies; she earned a B.S. Cornell Memorial Home Inc. 247 White St. Danbury, CT. SR. SSND OBITUARY. Francis Home for their care of Sister Rose in her last years. Sister Marie was preceded in death by her parents, Anton J. and Mary Zimmermann Wagner; her stepmother, Nerina Pfister Wagner; and her two beloved half-brothers, Hilmer Wagner and Victor (Dorothy) Wagner. She enrolled at St. Catherine College, St. Paul, Minnesota, during the academic year 1982-83 and received a certificate in pastoral ministry at the completion of the program. Sister Theresa Torsone, a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, died on October 14, 2021 . Sentenced to three months in a federal prison, April-July 2003, she served her time in support of the thousands of people who lost their lives through acts of violence committed by SOA trained soldiers. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Caryl. She received a BS in Education from Marian College of Fond du Lac in 1962. Cremation has taken place. In 1987, Sister Dolores chose to return to Nicaragua where she ministered for thirteen more years in Puerto Cabezas and Waspam. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. Because of current COVID-19 restrictions, the Liturgy of Christian Burial will be held in private services at Nazareth Court and Center, Fond du Lac, WI, with Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, presiding. Sister Mary Alice was preceded in death by her parents; her stepmother; her sisters, Marcella (Ray) Dreiling, Cecelia (Clarence) Wolf, Catherine (Lex) Schmidt, Mary (Al) Pfeifer, Alice (Alfred) Windholz, Frances (Herbert) Schmidt, Rita Mae Walters, Wilma (George) Bieker, and Miriam Walters; her brothers Ralph (Anna Mae) Walters and Robert (Ernestine) Befort. Sister Helen Renzelmann, CSA, formerly known as Sister Gregory, died peacefully March 20, 2020, at Nazareth Center, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. She also taught theology and Scripture in Nicaragua and Honduras during her winter breaks, gave numerous presentations on women in religion and did applied research on the future of religious associates in her own congregation and the broader Church. In her final years at Marian, she served as Vice President for Community Relations and Mission. Her lifelong ministry of education took her to Catholic parish schools in New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Indiana. She is survived by her brother, Ronald (Pam) Walters; her sisters Rosemary (Ernest) Gerstner, Leona (George) Fross, and Janet (Jude) Gerstner; hundreds of nieces, nephews, and their families; and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed, and ministered. DownloadSister Mary Hornung's obituary. Sister furthered her education at Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, earning an MA in Education and Psychology in 1946, and a PhD in Education in 1950. Margaret entered St. Agnes Convent in 1948 receiving the religious name, Sister Elizabeth Ann. Burial will follow at St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful for the physicians and staff at St. Agnes Hospital who provided care for Sister Gonzaga. Additional services and burial will take place at St. John the Baptist Church, Waunakee, Wisconsin. She was an excellent teacher who could easily handle any classroom situation and who was loved by her students, especially the boys. Upon graduation from eighth grade in 1936, Dolores entered St. Agnes Convent and earned her high school diploma from St. Agnes High School, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. A prayer service will be held on May 25, 2018, at 11:00 a.m. in the Nazareth Center Chapel. Sister Clare Marie was appointed to ministry within the congregation, serving as Novice Directress from 1962-1969 and as Secretary General from 1973-1979. Sister Ann Walters, CSA, baptized Mary Loraine Walters, died peacefully on November 30, 2020, at St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Coesfeld, Germany Visitation will be held at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, from 9:0011:00 a.m. and from 12:001:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Martina entered St. Agnes Convent, Fond du Lac, from Antonino, Kansas, in August 1939. In 1972, Sister received a Nursing Home Administration License from the Fox Valley Technical Institute of Appleton, Wisconsin. Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, will be the presider. Confident of the light and strength of the Holy Spirit, as we embark on our Lenten journey, we ask these graces in the name of Jesus who lived and died that we may have new life. Zacherl Funeral Home is serving the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes. Sister Vivian made her profession of vows in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes on August 15, 1951. She graduated in 1963 with a Masters in Musicology from Catholic University, Washington, DC, and in 1976 completed her Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Catholic University. Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, will be the presider. Ipswich, MA 01938 978-380-1521 Kathleen O'Connor Provincial Archivist Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 1520 Ralston Ave. Belmont, CA 94002 650-551-6400 Share this: Like this: Loading. Loretta was born in Ladysmith, Wisconsin, on March 15, 1925, the youngest of eight children, seven girls and one boy, born to Anton Meidl and Frances Schreiner Meidl. Father Larry Abler, Capuchin, will be the presider. She considered herself as a Coloradoan. Father Ken Smits, Capuchin, will preside. She served in Campus Ministry at Regis University in Denver, Colorado, and at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. Memorials may be directed to the Sisters of St. Agnes Development Office, 320 County Road K, Fond du Lac, WI 54937. Why Give. She spent two years at St. Anthonys Hospital, Hays, Kansas, and served at The Leo House in New York City, New York, from 1985 to 1996, working in dietary and food services at both institutions. The presider will be Father Ken Smits, Capuchin. Read Post Prev Next With the support of generous friends like you, we are able to continue our mission of educating and taking a stand with those in poverty especially women and children. Sister Colombiere Revelant, CSA, baptized Stephania, died peacefully June 12, 2020, at St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Sister Mary Albert was preceded in death by her parents Albert Flynn and Mary Terry Flynn and her sister Betty Canzio. Why Give. While instructing aspiring teachers in courses such as elementary curriculum, methodology, childrens literature, and educational psychology, she encouraged and inspired them to develop the art of education through their professional roles. She is survived by her nieces and nephews and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur participate in a worldwide mission to spread the goodness of God beyond the boundaries of nation, state and tribe. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Jack, and her two sisters, Vickie Hogan and Deborah Foxwell. In October 2003, Sister Rose Andr joined the community of sisters at Nazareth Court and Center in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Mary was born in Yonkers, New York, on March 23, 1925, the daughter of John Joseph Walsh and Mary Esther Hannon Walsh. Rita was born March 26, 1926, in Severin, Kansas, the daughter of Leo Karlin and Martha Etzel Karlin. Sister Gonzaga was preceded in death by her parents Lloyd Hron and Florence Gonnering Hron, her brother Lloyd, Jr., and her brother-in-law Ronald Ruplinger. Sister Margaretta understood the power of music to touch the human spirit, cultivated her own musical giftedness, and devoted her lifes work to inviting students to value the arts, especially music. In March of 2016, Sister Collean joined the community of Sisters at Nazareth Court and Center remaining actively engaged in life up to the time of her death, motivated by her belief in the power of presence offering a smile, a prayer, and a word of encouragement to all. Sister Annette is survived by her sister Rosemary Thomas, nieces and nephews, and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. Descarga la obituario en espaol, Give a donation in honorofSister Bertha Bumann. Martha entered St. Agnes Convent in 1945 and graduated from St. Agnes High School in 1948. Sister was also a member of the Marian College education department faculty for two years. Please check-in for the Visitation and Prayer Service at the 375 Gillett Street entrance only. Nancy Barthelemy Archivist Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 30 Jeffrey's Neck Rd. on November 3, 1926. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. Sister Nancy Derhammer, CSA, died peacefully September 25, 2022, at St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. One of Sister Nancys greatest joys was her foster sister, Jessica (Jesse), who was born with Down Syndrome and cared for by the Derhammer family until the death of Sister Nancys parents. She was active in the local community, playing cornet with the Fond du Lac Community Band for twelve years. Download Sister Colombiere Revelant's obituaryas a PDF. Louise graduated from Kewaskum Community High School. January 03, 2023, Holy Cross Province The presider will be Father Ken Smits, Capuchin. Sister Dolores was preceded in death by her parents Paul and Genevieve (Jennie) Taddy; her brothers Raymond (Rose), Luke (Ruth Ann), Victor (Sylvia) and Cyril (Avis); her sisters Mary (Ralph) Schroeder and Rita (James) Londo. Mary Therese was born in Chicago, IL, on April 25, 1928, the oldest of five surviving children, four daughters and one son, in the family of Dennis Francis McMahon and Bridie Margaret Guthrie. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staffs of Nazareth Court and Center and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Francis Assisi in her last years. In 1961, her desire to be a missionary with the Sisters of St. Agnes in Nicaragua was fulfilled when she was sent to St. Marys College in Mankato, Minnesota, for five weeks to study Spanish and the geography and culture of Nicaragua. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. She continued throughout her life to enrich herself and enhance her ministerial skills with courses in education and theology. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, July 8, 2019, at 2:00 p.m., at St. Francis Home Chapel, 33 Everett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Mary Loraine was born in Catherine, Kansas, on December 4, 1928, to Anthony Walters and Lidwina Polifka Walters. She is survived by her brother Patrick OBrien, many devoted nieces and nephews, other relatives, friends, colleagues, and the Sisters of St. Agnes, with whom she lived, prayed and ministered. In 1983, Sister moved to Mobile, Alabama, where she served as a caseworker at the Service Center of Catholic Services in Mobile for five years, (1983-1987) offering advocacy and assistance to many disadvantaged individuals and families. Having helped on the staff at Nazareth Heights Infirmary, Fond du Lac, during 1997-1998, Sister Clare Marie returned to her hometown and devoted herself to giving part-time help at Marian House Manor and to visiting many elderly and homebound persons in the Altoona, Pennsylvania, area. Visitation will be held Tuesday, January 18, 2022, from 9:00 -11:00 a.m. and 12:00-1:30 p.m. at Nazareth Court and Center, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Our tax identification number is 04-3210469. Mary Margaret was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 15, 1946, the daughter of Donald R. Menke and Meta Ida Graunke Menke. She ministered for 40 years as a homemaker at missions of the congregation in Wisconsin, Indiana, New York, and Illinois. Descarga en espaol. During 2004 she cared for her father who was in frail health. Mary entered St. Agnes Convent in 1945 and made her first profession of vows in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes as Sister Suzanne on August 15, 1948. Zacherl Funeral Home is serving the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Agnes. A prayer service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on August 31, 2021, in the Nazareth Center Chapel. - Sister Mary was preceded in death by her parents Edgar and Verna Hornung. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Mary Martha in her final years. Welcome to the congregational website of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Sign up for our monthly eNewsletter to receive updates on sisters, prayers and events. She was an only child whose mother died when Victoria was very young. In retirement, Sister Rose used her organizational skills, attention to detail and interest in history while working part-time with special projects and archives at St. Marys Springs and St. Agnes Hospital. Follow this space for podcasts of Sr. Mary Kathleen Burns talks, and keep up with Sr. Marie Paul Grech on our group blog. Burial will follow at a later date in St. Joseph Springs Cemetery. Her dedicated service and precise accounting are still remembered by the staff of The Leo House. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center/St. She received a BS in Education from Marian College of Fond du Lac and taught in elementary schools for 37 years in Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New York. Her commitment to the mission of the Sisters of St. Agnes and her academic and professional studies guided her as an educator, counselor, pastoral minister, diocesan consultant, and executive leader throughout her fifty-two years as a vowed woman religious. I believe that the village will have what it needs and that the Nicaraguan people are fighters and always find some way to be happy; they always find a reason to laugh, to dance they love life and only need work to prosper.. February 20, 2023, Sister Joyce Ann Berkel To her surprise, Mother Angeline invited her to enter the community the following week. Since our arrival in California in 1924, the Sisters of Notre Dame have founded and administered in more than 20 schools. Dr. Mathias was an optometrist, musician, and choir and band director and Marie was a teacher. Give a donation in honorofSister Colombiere Revelant. Following this term of service, Sister Judith was the principal of Immaculate Conception Grade School, Elmhurst, Illinois, from 19751977. The presider will be Father Ken Smits, Capuchin. The Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Loretta will be held November 18, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. in Nazareth Center Chapel, 375 Gillett Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, with Father Kenneth Smits, Capuchin, presiding. She then became a staff member at Rainbow Home of Berks County, an HIV/AIDS residence located in Wernersville, Pennsylvania. She entered St. Agnes Convent in 1956 and made her profession of vows in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes on August 15, 1958, as Sister Mary Lee. Sister Gonzagas other love was care for Earth: preservation of natural resources, restoration of prairies and beautifying areas that all could enjoy. Rose was born in Catherine, KS, on October 11, 1933, to Anthony Walters and Lidwina Polifka Walters. DownloadSister Donna Marie'obituaryas a PDF. Over the years which followed, Sister Patricia took numerous theology courses and earned an MA in Theology from Manhattan College, Bronx, New York. She would often personally deliver supplies of clothing, food, and furniture to support families as they settled in the Fond du Lac community. She made her profession of vows as Sister Mary Albert in the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes on August 15, 1954. Zacherl Funeral Home is serving the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, DownloadSister Donna's obituaryas a PDF. Burial: Notre Dame of Elm Grove Cemetery, Give a donation in honor ofSister Gonzaga Hron. She continued in pastoral ministry at St. Mary Parish, Altoona, Pennsylvania, and St. Henry Parish, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Sister loved to cook and to keep things looking clean and in order. . Sister Loretta Meidl, CSA, formerly Sister Eva, died peacefully, October 27, 2021, at St. Francis Home, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The Sisters of St. Agnes are grateful to the nurses and staff of Nazareth Court and Center and Hospice Hope for their care of Sister Mary Jane in her last years. She then organized, initiated, and expanded the Occupational Therapy Department at St. Agnes Hospital while at the same time working as a nurse therapist and in rehab at Nazareth Heights Infirmary, the retirement center for the Sisters of St. Agnes. 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