May 2000 - May 202020 years 1 month. Because of its modular design, Argyle Gardens is a high-efficiency affordable housing model that can be more readily replicated and scaled up and down by other modular builders around the country. The A Home for Everyone Coordinating Board, the governing body of our Continuum of Care, adopted these guidelines on January 3, 2018. 5. If applying additional Screening Criteria, the Landlord must: 1) use a Screening Criteria no more prohibitive to the Tenant than the low- barrier criteria (Low-Barrier Criteria) described in Subsection E.; or 2) use a Screening Criteria of the Landlords choosing (Landlords Screening Criteria); however, when using the Landlords Screening Criteria, a Landlord must conduct an individual assessment (Individual Assessment) in accordance with the requirements of Subsection F, before denying an Applicant. Funded by Home Forward, Multnomah County, City of Portland, State of Oregon and Federal government. An opportunity on the application for an Applicant to affirmatively indicate a Mobility Disability or other Disability Status; b. Solving the unmet housing needs of the people of Portland. Copyright 2021 Transition Projects. Appeals. 72 units of deeply affordable housing, BARBARA MAHER APARTMENTS (N PORTLAND) Most importantly, our design, construction, and housing models all lend themselves to a deeply affordable housing project that can be operated in the long term while providing the lowest possible rents to tenants. 1. You can read about the changes to the tool here. 503-823-4000 Traduccin e Interpretacin |Bin Dch v Thng Dch | | |Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad| | Traducere i interpretariat |Chiaku me Awewen Kapas | . If youhave questions or need technical assistance,reach out to your local administrator or ServicePoint trainer. PHB is home to the Northwest Social Service Connections,an administrative entity that governs HMIS foramulti-agency Continuum of Care. Participants in our Shelter Plus Care program are referred through the Coordinated Access System. 32 units of housing for women in recovery, CLARK CENTER ANNEX (SE PORTLAND) Due to the very high call volume, our response time is longer than normal. Step-by-step guide for entering data for Coordinated Access for Adults and Families into ServicePoint. e. Tenancies where the Applicant would occupy an Accessory Dwelling Unit, as defined by PCC 33.205, that is subject to the Act in the City of Portland so long as the owner of the Accessory Dwelling Unit lives on the lot, or Tenancies where the owner occupies the Accessory Dwelling Unit and the Dwelling Unit the Applicant would occupy is on the lot. Communities use this information to determine how services are being utilized, identify gaps in the local service continuum, and develop outcome measurements. Project Management Plan or PMP means a document prepared for the purposes ofdefining how the project is executed, monitored, and controlled. 6. This position emphasizes support for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals identified through Multnomah County Coordinated Access. . When denying an Applicant using the Low-Barrier Criteria described in this Subsection, a Landlord must provide to the Applicant a written statement of reasons for denial in accordance with ORS90.304(1). The Landlord may screen only an Applicant for financial responsibility, and not a Non-Applicant Tenant. Research facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, used or to be used primarily for research or experimentation to improve or develop new tangible goods or materials or to improve or develop the production processes thereto. Subordinate joint force commander means a sub-unified commander or joint task force commander. above, and includes an explanation of the basis for denial, an explanation of the reasons that the Supplemental Evidence did not adequately compensate for the factors that informed the Landlords decision to reject the application; and. Give website feedback. Procurement Plan means the Borrowers procurement plan, dated November 10, 2004, covering the initial 18 month period (or longer) of Project implementation, as the same shall be updated from time to time in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.02 to this Agreement, to cover succeeding 18 month periods (or longer) of Project implementation; Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Management Program means a management program covering the duration of a state permit for a municipal separate storm sewer system that includes a comprehensive planning process that involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination, to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the CWA and regulations, and this article and its attendant regulations, using management practices, control techniques, and system, design, and engineering methods, and such other provisions that are appropriate. Please see below for more detailed information and related resources. Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study. For purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise defined in this subsection, capitalized terms have the meaning set forth in the Act. Multnomah County Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities has a Shelter Plus Care grant, which is a Permanent Supportive Housing resource aligned with the Coordinated Access system. This assistance is not immediate or stand-alone and is based on eligibility for specific coordinated access programs, participation and availability. After performing an Individual Assessment, a Landlord may deny the Applicant, so long as: a. 11. Adults:Please contact the Coordinated Housing Access Team (CHAT) Hotline at 844-765-9384. Portland's "Fair Access in Renting" ordinance, colloquially referred to as the "FAIR" ordinance, went into effect on March 1, 2020 and were amended in July 2020. The shelter may or may not have food preparation or shower facilities. e. If a Landlord chooses to require additional documented security from a guarantor, the Landlord may require the guarantor to demonstrate financial capacity. Research Neighborhoods Home Values, School Zones & Diversity Instant Data Access! If a Landlord conducts all of an Applicant screening through professional screening company, the Landlord must not charge Applicant a screening fee greater than that charged by the screening company. If applying a Screening Criteria to an Applicant in addition to the General Screening Process, a Landlord is encouraged to apply criteria consistent with, or less prohibitive than, the Low-Barrier Criteria described in Subsection E. below. Multnomah County, OR is part of the Local industry, and located in Oregon, United States. For supportive housing, people who have experienced longer periods of homelessness (considered 'chronically homeless') and the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community are main priorities. We do this by placing people into rental apartments throughout the Portland metro area, and by operating three buildings for those moving from homelessness to housing. (2) Any information that the Landlord obtains from a verbal or written rental reference check with the exception of defaults in Rent, 3 or more material violations of a Rental Agreement within one year prior to the date of the Application that resulted in notices issued to the Tenant, outstanding balance due to the Landlord, or lease violations that resulted in a termination with cause; or. c. If no reasonable Modification can be made to the Dwelling Unit to address the Applicants Disability, the Applicant, if otherwise eligible, may accept the Dwelling Unit without Modification. means the system established by Multnomah County, Home Forward, the Joint Office of Homeless Services, and the City of Portland, and community partners to coordinate the referral and prioritization of high priority applicants for available Dwelling Units regulated as affordable housing by a federal, state or local government. . Applicants must be able to provide necessary contact information, including full name, mailing address, and phone number of safe/stable housing host during the initial phone screening. % Low-Barrier Screening Criteria. <> Create an Account , 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7007, Portland, OR 97201, 1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7007 In carrying out the provisions of this Section 30.01.086, the Director of PHB, or a designee, is authorized to adopt, amend, and repeal administrative rules to carry out and administer the provisions of this Section 30.01.086. The denial is non-discriminatory in accordance with the Fair Housing Act; b. The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. VHA Release of Information (VA Form 10-5345), Coordinated Access for Adults and Families Partner Agencies (as referenced in the Coordinated Access ROI), Supportive Housing Services Program Overview, Homelessness in the Portland Region (ECONorthwest), Scaling Smart Resources, Doing What Works: Supportive Housing, Home, Together 2018: Strategy report by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, Annual Homeless Assessment Reports (AHAR), Economic Opportunity Program Rent Assistance Results, Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), Homelessness as a Public Health Law Issue, Oregon CCO Housing Supports Survey Report, Workforce & Economic Opportunity Workgroup, Coordinated Access for Adults and Families Partner Agencies, VA Community Resource and Referral Center. A brief overview will be followed by a panel of advocates talking about their experiences with coordinated access. NOTE: The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence broadcasted this webinar and hosts the recording as a courtesy toGateway Center for Domestic Violence Services, a Coalition member program. The FAQs tend to be more technical and cover some of the nuances in ServicePoint. Regardless of where someone first seeks services, access is based on vulnerability, eligibility, and choice. Complete our Housing Assessment Form Ticket Home Family Reunification a. Learn about our challenging career opportunities and the benefits of working with us. Opportunities posted to, PHB offices are operating on a hybrid schedule offering In-Person appointments Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday only by program, Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), City of Portland general information hotline, Inclusionary Housing &SDC Exemption for Rentals, Single Family Loan Services for existing borrowers, Home Repair Loans | Lead Hazard Control Grant | Down Payment Assistance, Privacy and Security Training for Multnomah County, More video tutorials from Multnomah County, Data Sharing List of Providers All Multnomah, Oregon Housing and Community Services HMIS, 2020 HMIS Data Standards Manual and Data Dictionary. A Q and A session will complete the webinar. The intent of Coordinated Access is to provide streamlined and equitable access to shelter and housing interventions for people with disabilities experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County. commercial air transport means an aircraft operation involving the transport of passengers, cargo, or mail for remuneration or hire. Be sure to follow your agency's prescribed workflow. The NWSSC HMIS is a client information system that provides standardized assessment of a clients needs, creates individualized service plans, and records the use of housing and services. A Landlord must offer the Applicant an opportunity for appeal for 30 days following the denial of an Application. A Landlord may require an Applicant to demonstrate a monthly gross income of up to but not greater than 2.5 times the amount of the Rent for the Dwelling Unit when the monthly Rent amount is below the maximum monthly rent for a household earning no more than 80 percent of the median household income as published annually by the Portland Housing Bureau. We have a dedicated full-time clinician funded under a separate contract with Multnomah County (Joint Office of Homeless Services) who is the single point of contact on behalf of these PSH units to allow for strong service and system collaboration for all referrals from the Multnomah County Coordinated Access System. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 16 0 R 20 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S>> Home Forward is a public corporation. (1) An action to recover possession pursuant to ORS 105.105 to 105.168 if the action: (a) Was dismissed or resulted in a general judgment for the Applicant before the Applicant submitted the application; (b) Resulted in a general judgment against the Applicant that was entered 3 or more years before the date of the Application; (c) Resulted in a general judgment against the Applicant that was entered fewer than 3 years before the date of the Application if: (i) The termination of tenancy upon which the action was based was without cause (no-cause eviction); or. Home / Multnomah County Domestic Violence Coordinated Access to Shelter and Housing Services: An Orientation for Community Partners. Screening Fees.In addition to the requirements of ORS Chapter 90.295, the following apply: a. Regulated as affordable housing by a federal, state or local government for households that earn no more than 80 percent of the median household income and is subject to the Multnomah County Coordinated Access System or formal referral agreement between a Landlord and a non-profit service provider or government agency working to place low income or vulnerable Tenants into housing; b. The Coordinated Access for Adults assessment tool and Release of Information is available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese. In Special Flood Hazard Areas where no BFE has been established, this elevation shall be at least two (2) feet above the highest adjacent grade. d. The age of the individual at the time the incidents occurred. Freja Lyons has been working as a DV Coordinated Access Coordinator at Multnomah County, OR for 3 years. Beginning in 2015, the continuum of Multnomah County Domestic Violence Providers implemented a newly-designed system that controls access to all domestic violence shelter and housing interventions. Request these services online or call 503-823-4000, Relay Service:711. Families not already connected to one of these organizations can connect with the system by calling 211. With Argyle Gardens, we scaled down the typical SRO (Single Room Occupancy) model to allow for smaller groups of residents to share kitchen and bathroom spaces and to create more opportunities for accountability and community building. Video: Data Sharing in Multnomah County Video: Privacy and Security Training for Multnomah County More video tutorials from Multnomah County NWSSC Policies and Procedures 204.4 KB AHFE Community Data Standards 239.32 KB AHFE Data Expectations & Exceptions 139.1 KB Dwelling Unit has the meaning given in ORS 90.100, as amended from time to time. 9. Denial; Individual Assessment. Prior to waiving the screening fee, the Landlord may require the Applicant to self-certify that no conditions have materially changed from those described in the Landlords approved application. Access. Coordinated Access for Adults Assessment Tool English, Coordinated Access for Adults Assessment Tool Spanish, Coordinated Access for Adults Assessment Tool Vietnamese, Coordinated Access for Adults Assessment Tool Chinese, Coordinated Access for Adults Assessment Tool Russian, Coordinated Access for Adults and Families Partner Agencies (as referenced in the Release of Information), Release of Information for Adult and Family Coordinated Access English, Release of Information for Adult and Family Coordinated Access Spanish, Release of Information for Adult and Family Coordinated Access Vietnamese, Release of Information for Adult and Family Coordinated Access Chinese, Release of Information for Adult and Family Coordinated Access Russian, Coordinated Access for Adults and Families ServicePoint Handbook, Guide to Conducting the Adult and Family Assessment, Overview of Resources and Eligibility for Adult and Family Coordinated Access. If you have a 72-hour termination notice from your landlord, call 2-1-1. (2) With regard to any applications received earlier than the Open Application Period, the Landlord must digitally or manually record the date and time of such complete applications as 8 hours after the start of the Open Application Period. b. e. Upon a Landlords approval and the Applicants acceptance of the Dwelling Unit, the Applicant and the Landlord must enter into a Rental Agreement. "Multnomah County Coordinated Access System" means the system established by Multnomah County, Home Forward, the Joint Office of Homeless Services, and the City of Portland, and community partners to coordinate the referral and prioritization of high priority applicants for available Dwelling Units regulated as affordable housing by a County property and building maps. Host housing will be verified via mail with housing host required to return signed host agreement sent to identified address. Coordinated Access for Households Fleeing Domestic Violence coordinates access to emergency shelter, motel vouchers, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing. A building that contains one or more open sleeping areas or is divided only by non-permanent partitions and is furnished with beds, cots, floor mats, or bunks. Domestic Violence Survivors:Call to Safety 503-235-5333or, for Spanish, Project UNICA 503-232-4448 (more info and resources for survivors), Unaccompanied Youth (Under age 25): Contact Janus Youth through their Access Center 635 SW Alder St or503-432-3986. b. The following documents are referenced within the Coordinated Access Guidelines. chronic homelessness, disabling condition), specifics around the population the housing project serves (i.e. (2) When members of a waitlist apply for a vacancy, a Landlord may simultaneously process multiple applications but must accept, conditionally accept, or deny Applicants in order of receipt of a completed application. 2023 | Multnomah County General Information Line: 503-823-4000. Building, transportation, maintenance, and sewer projects. Financial Responsibility of Applicant. Define Multnomah County Coordinated Access System. I. Delegation of Authority. If an Applicant qualifies for a Dwelling Unit, the Landlord may not deny that Applicant based on the denial of a Non-Applicant Tenant that the Applicant included on the application. and is subject to the Multnomah County Coordinated Access System or a formal referral "Veterans" include anyone whos ever served in the US Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard) or been called into active duty by the National Guard or as a Reservist, regardless of discharge status. Coordinated Access for Families coordinates access to emergency shelter, transitional housing, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing. The Landlord may also choose to consider verifiable friend or family assistance; (2) Calculate based on a rental amount that is reduced by the amount of any local, state, or federal government rent voucher or housing subsidy available to the Applicant; and. Two ROIs are required for the Veteran By-Name List: the Coordinated Access ROI, and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) ROI. You can find these and other resources linked below. 5. Evidence of Social Security Number (SSN Card); b. This position supports a caseload of 42 individuals moving from homelessness to Permanent Supportive Housing at CCC's Madrona Studios building. C. Tenant Application Process; Generally. Volunteer. A Landlord must comply with the following General Screening Process: 1. <> Staff at organizations that are part of the Mobile Housing Team (MHT) are trained to conduct the Coordinated Access for Families Assessment. The leadership teams for each of these subsystems have undergone years of iterative planning, evaluation, and process improvement. (7) Medical or education/vocational training debt. Any Applicant materially harmed by a Landlord's intentional noncompliance with the foregoing has a cause of action in any court of competent jurisdiction for Damages and such other remedies as may be appropriate. Coordinated Access systems across the country have been developed to achieve this goal, and to align with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Supplemental Evidence means any written information submitted by the Applicant in addition to that provided on the Landlords form application that the Applicant believes to be relevant to the Applicants predicted performance as a Tenant. Kyoto Protocol means the protocol to the UNFCCC adopted at the Third Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan on 11 December 1997 as may be amended; Drainage system means one or more artificial ditches, tile drains or similar devices which collect surface runoff or groundwater and convey it to a point of discharge. The Veteran By-Name List is used to rapidly connect Veterans experiencing homelessness to shelter and housing resources including Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing. Regardless of where someone first seeks services, access is based on vulnerability, eligibility, and choice. a. The main point of access for adult households not already connected to one of these organizations is the Coordinated Housing Assessment Team (, 844-765-9384 or x 654 for a culturally specific assessment). Coordinated entry is a process developed to ensure all . The intent of Coordinated Access is to provide streamlined and equitable access to shelter and housing interventions for people with disabilities experiencing homelessness in Multnomah County. Applications Processed from a Waitlist. Disability has the meaning given to handicap as defined in the Fair Housing Act, 24 C.F.R 100.204, as amended from time to time. United States. Name * First . Screening or admission criteria includes, but is not limited to, the rental history, character references, public records, criminal records, credit reports, credit references and incomes or resources of the Applicant. e. An opportunity for Applicant to include Supplemental Evidence for the Landlords consideration to mitigate potentially negative screening results. Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. Do Good Multnomah. and 2.b. Care coordination Care coordinators work with your providers and help you get the most out of your health plan. c. An Applicants request for reasonable Modification or Accommodation for a Disability, or the nature of the Modification or Accommodation requested, may not be a factor for a Landlords denial of an Applicant. Read about the changes to the requirements of ORS chapter 90.295, the Landlord may deny the an. Or is part of the nuances in ServicePoint other Disability Status ; b for the Veteran By-Name List: Coordinated! 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