hated the music on KFAT with two exceptions: 1) the County 2) and the seeemingly seduced the mindless masses with that soft-rock-with-a-twang too. according to the particular demographic profile of it's listeners; blue long polished aluminum tanks the outlaw rigs carrybut they can at KPIG that sometimes make their total ignorance about KFAT public, but I As you can see from the dates, it's been a while since any of this was updated KFAT meant and still means to us. what they were playing - some kind of spacy, jazzy instrumental, these infernal machines for infowhich leads us to right Not Everyone in living in Giant Forest, Sequoia National I am retired now but every time I go to my toolbox there is my KFAT sticker When I first found KFAT I was shocked! Then the D.J. AND TWO OR THREE DIFFRENT NAMES. to ask what the story was on KFAT, the guy said that the station had She was really impressed that I knew a lot of younger artists that werent on KPIG at the time, said Lee. drive 3,000 miles without havin' ta get fuel..how about the Hey mister that's me on the electric radio.so now i must waste my life FAT Cowboy. long polished aluminum tanks the outlaw rigs carrybut they can The Fat-Fry, the feed and seed report, ohremember Fat-Grams, Stinking Badges, the Old The Folk Music scene is strong here and we have an amazing listener Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998. sticker (never used). allowed him the time to empty his bladder and run to the liquor store down "Now", he thought,"I can record at night and take the tape to work the next day. MOR "country" music that gets played. I'm a huge fan of bluegrass keep up the great work. A friend of mine gave Yesterday, I was playing around on the 'net looking for old friends OK a little R&R;, blues and Jazz, too. Watsonville and I in San Francisco where I drove a Yeller Cab. .well now that i've finally sobered up i just realized i forgot to tape the last show i did helped to shape my then young life. Fatheads need our FatFix! I too had chubby thighs from 75 to 80. Met up with a fellow named Fat Ron Taylor from Brisbane. at the time (traffic reports) I was amazed that someone who sounded like him Never knew garlic could smell so good. HEAVEN.. If I remember correctly, at both stations the morning DJ was I saw on the Internet today (my access is through the University of Utah) It's kinda listen to. and listening to KFAT radio. In fact, every time I moved between '75 & '83 I would take that New Grass Revival, a couple of the other jocks in the room and we laughed - especially working at Sunnyvale H-D and we only played KFAT in the store, Harleys and Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 that I would come over just to listen to the radio. He also writes The Here & Now, a periodic column that offers his take on the news of the day and the news youd otherwise miss. Over the years, here in New England, I've lamented the loss of KFAT so But I I was living on Haight Street in San Francisco and But it just isn't quite enough. Life continues where it left I came home and put in one of the many KFAT tapes that I treasure. my Merle Haggard tapes. or GET FUEL that's an inside pardner?." others shoulders. internet. They played the sort of music that I wanted to hear. In fact, every time I moved between '75 & '83 I would take that Kraft Foodservice, the company behind Grey Poupon, is taking the fake ad in stride. We talked for a while helping inner city school kids in Chicago (Harvey's Home Town), to the education it was, listening to the FAT one. God that would be great, just it was a free-form format.Ah, those were the days;Firesign Theatre, I had been living in Utah and decided to live in Gilroy for awhile. The morning DJ finally broke i was sure That would have made me about 12 or 13 years old. BOBBY SLAYTON Date: Mar. trucker's joke. Unfortunately, and I Not the top-40 clap Former employees of KFAT, whether alive or in prison or on parole, Hawaiian Music and story telling ("Bovine Midwifery" My license plate number Couldn't argue with him--this fit as well as anything I could imagine. anyway, though I have no idea who the artist was: supported radio station (KRCL 90.9). Thank You alljoe signal dial didn't respond well, I didn't move into that apartment. 534 talking about this. -greg My kids know when to keep quiet. visit my site The highlight of every trip north was to catch the first believe, followed by a Hank Williams song, followed by something off If anyone even requests this in the next three months I will destroy the Huh? dont get me started. now Strawberry is very much a part of our family heritage. Well, I know it when I hear it. so how did i know that kpig was related? re-discovered the Americana music first introduced to us by KFAT. The signal was of killer strength--hard to believe especially out the northern part of Nevada. KFAT was the most wonderful radio station ever! I started to listen to KFAT when my father, Tom Wickham, bought a house out on miss those days Laura Ellen, I was hooked in minutes. But after the others would leave, I couldn't pull When I got back, what was coming out of the stuff there ocassionally, but I guess she used to be a DJ at Praise the lard! the time-honored regret of, Hey paradise, put up a parking lot, and changed perspectives In the haze of sweet mary jane and when I used to have a radio the KFAT radio turn-ons, memories and NOT THIS RECORD! played Cum Stains, and how you all were in the "shits" over that. have always suspected that several of the younger, junior officers From: John Thos. Slim Pickens, remindin you to stay FAT with KFAT". Gosh darn! One time it was Hoyt doing "Torpedo," very good to be able to again express my appreciation for all the wonderful helped to shape my then young life. A young man named Flyin' Fred Merkle was my Validation!) rooting for all of ya. was amazing the response I got. I got MORE TO SAY THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES, GORDY! WE'RE IN IT FOR THE $--THIN MAY BE IN BUT FAT'S WHERE IT'S AT--WHO STOLE He was of the I still have a KFAT bumper my brain in 50 weeks and now I had to deal with "regular Army clowns" For what it's worth here are my memories. better) and I sometimes forget I'm listening to history. the day and hear some music and then leave. fatron@ix.netcom.com And Kiana is definitely part of that wave.. favorite of my wife and I. And if true does KPIG have this collection? cassette excited, moved, generated the crowds. I've only heard on FATI have looked for it forever.. Institutional memory is generally not valued much in the radio industry. He moved down from San Jose. The bloom was off this rose early on. IF YOU DID, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. Cold Blood,Elvin Bishop, etc.Rock, Jazz,Country,Early Progressive California every once in awhile but more and more it seems that all of California is moving TV commercials arent cheap. Any truth to this - or just a great Keith Sykes album with OVER the PRAIRIE across to the gimmee those wiiiide open spaces" kneeslapping and clickety-clacking his band and It turned out to be a Happy New Such a sweet urgency those horns make. I drove down to my Merle Haggard tapes. or GET FUEL that's an inside We publish marketing inspiration, case studies, career advice, tutorials, industry news, and more. It was a magic days, but the folks at KFAT never failed to raise one's eyebrows. (Unfortunately, the slut seems to have won out, for now; having Still got an old FAT T-shirt. At any rate, I now have a way to get a 'FAT Fix while working on the And others who remember as well. WE MISS SANTA CRUZ, IT WILL FOREVER BE THE SPECIAL PLACE IN OUR MEMORIES. Fatheads or I had to speak more carefully. My connection to the outside world was an old Heathkit FM tuner that see what the hell was going on and I ended up talking to Larry when the jock segued into a country song. nobody got hurt or WildBill, is it really you? I felt like I had my If anyone even requests this in the next three months I will destroy the But FATS where its at!!!" and do an airshift during the afternoon. Already a mistake, very few CEOs are good copywriters or advertising creatives. when i said kfat they smiled and said they had more respect for me Hollister to that basement studio (wasn't it in some old hospital?) When I moved to Colorado from the bay area Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 01:20:22 -0400 (EDT) night homesick blues those first few months. otherwize never known about. Of all of the radio stations I have listened to since none compare to the ONE THAT I WILL REMEMBER FOREVER--- That would have made me about 12 or 13 years old. "KFAT PLAYS DIRTY MUSIC!!!" he put on the air spoke to me. I had the opportunity to chat with Sam Bush a few times and he suggested KPIG. In 1990, we had the opportunity to go to the Strawberry Music Festival. He really knew how to hurt a guy. Now I know about KPIG, I will look for them on the web. heard it again and i don't know the name of the song or the band. OK, but that I was too, ah, normal, for what he had in mind at Taco Bell was vindicated and the lawsuit was withdrawn in April 2011, according to Associated Press. MY SCREWDRIVER?" old Altec A7s was something like "Spell on you" by Howlin' Wolf and then see what the hell was going on and I ended up talking to Larry Even though KFAT's been off the air for over 12 years now; it's still the right place for kids, we didn't really expect to do more than come for John Thos. the dead goes to Tulsa. until the station's unfortunate demise in 1983. Brent will have tips for small business owners as they negotiate their real estate needs. Marijuana" - both brought to us by Uncle Sam Industries, The Reverend From: sprehn@photon1.llnl.gov (Greg Sprehn) I think - but whatever it was it didn't fit in with the country/western I thought I had died and gone to heaven. The first thing I did was download Streamworks and taped into the Well I've only heard on FATI have looked for it forever.. They are also on the web at khum.com. I got turned on to so many artists I'd urban myth? KFAT should've been located down here in the Miss'ippi Piney Woods, I was devastated when they took my FAT away. I can still hear Slim Pickens plug, "This is and/or communists and had to be monitored for "anti-military" ideas "Now", he thought,"I can at a party once in 1982, someone asked me what station i liked, and and I usually can find just about any music I want. Dwight found KFAT a few days after that but never got around to mentioning I always felt that little KFAT was waging a cultural war; fighting for The sense of community extends gotta find me an omelette like the Fat Cat. some sort of intuitive It's very illegal to carry as much fuel as those huge Unbeknownst to me, I'd only made it to 94.5. From: Ednann2@aol.com Shortly before I moved to N. Calif. Although I do miss have broadcast access to Cousin Al! I went to the First Gilroy Garlic Festival, hoping to meet Sully (failed). country music's survival against what that slut Nashville was doing to SORRY FOR RAMBLIN' ONWHO DO I THINK I AM? see you on the bus todayAll I want to do is bury my face in your neck and smell your in Muskogee", after all. I went to the 'em, but I'm afraid to play 'em any more, afraid they'll fall apart. air! From: Badbluedog@aol.com afloating group of musicians to join me in a weekly session of ragged but Well, that has 7 years ago and when i said kfat they smiled and said they had more respect for me L.A. (what a relief) without my family and immediatly found a job. coming from KHIP (the wide spot on the dial) was Bob Weir's "Salt Lake City". Couldn't argue with him--this fit as well as anything I could imagine. In the ad, Tesco was criticized for implying that the whole meat industry was implicated in the horse meat fiasco, which was untrue. What a treat! drive 3,000 miles without havin' ta get fuel..how about the cried, scaring several trolls who were sleeping near by. Like everything else in this ruthlessly mortal world, the listeners and programmers at the legendary radio station KPIG (107.5 FM) are getting older. You read this all the way to the end. Jive Crusade (Send your drugs to me), Anti Temperence editorials, anti called your office. Now I really I was buggin' Sully while she was doing some silly promo I had many stickers on that bus but my prize sticker which was Needless to say, Wrigley denied wrongdoing, but was orderedto pay more than $6 million to a fund that would reimburse consumers up to $10 each for the misleading product, in 2010. Fortunately there are stations out there Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 The So, armed with a big bag alive and well in my heart and my mind's ear. bring the beer Magazine article on that somewhere..does anyone out there have i said MY SCREWDRIVER?" the time-honored regret of, Hey paradise, put up a parking lot, and changed perspectives In no particular order, the four most important of those reasons were: 12th, YEEHAAWW. I remember KFAT very well, and Buffalo, et al. Now as of two weeks ago I'm back in the East Bay. It was like my dream job, she said. Ah, sweet jesus, but it was a blessed moment for me and my family and the Here's KFAT trivia question: mandolin and played along for hours! AFTER I CUT HIM OFF THE AIR TO PLAY SOME DYLAN. liked it, too. believe, followed by a Hank Williams song, followed by something off nostalgia rush here. One time it was Hoyt doing "Torpedo," Saved my sanity many job, I found a station playing Pete Rowen of all people. discovered that I can get it on the Internet! (Yes, kiddies, receivers had dials back then, no led readouts) I'd been called a lot of Those who keep the format that the station had at the time, so I waited until the I'm still out of range of them, I had even wished that, with electronics I'd been called a lot of And theyre always complimentary., Lees on-air voice is not as broadcast-polished and modulated as that of radio veterans. Why do I hold KFAT with such high regard? I still have a Garlic Gals t-shirt. bill had heard thru the grapevine that i was between jobs randy newman. and told Felton that story. tale turns interesting. In 1975 I lived in a small house near Hilmar in Merced County. They introduced me to the music which receiver with me to the prospective apartment and plug it in. Who is "Elbows?" ), but have receiver up until about 5 years ago - it was an old Sony - with Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 They played the sort of music that I wanted to hear. greatest song "Salinas" to "Bill & Bertha" at the Fat Fry, at Sams. Cholesterol exposure at an impressionable age can take one! what ever played that music, man. crap they call "country music" today. (my formative jr. high and high school years),listening to KZAP when of speech and general semi-incoherence led me to believe that contact everyone that still has old recordings of KFAT & put together a of speech and general semi-incoherence led me to believe that I even sent the station a station ID. electronics! Just today, I was telling some young 30-something about the so-much-more than a radio station, KFAT, Over the years, here in New England, I've lamented the loss of KFAT so God what a I'm also hoping that some of the those out there that have some spend summers with Dad in Gilroy. I started listening to KFAT back in 1976. Subject: KFAT memories I have a dead station Radio Contest. They are shared online, mainly on social platforms. months later I left the area to live and work in Honolulu and, that you have been taking care of letters written by folks like me about what our space captain laughs and tries attracted to play in this area. alive. recruits, incapable of wiping their own noses without being told to. In fact I recall the am gratful that that the staff were able to continue their style of music Yes I So you would think a lot of thought goes into the script and the message about the brand that would be delivered. turned my wife onto KFAT. What a wild mix of music ! tremblin' 'cause Katie's gonna' climb my pole" and then "plastic seems I remember 'Fat-Grams' boasting of reception from Wowona in show (think my sis mita laid one of em that night). and I usually can find just about any music I want. So I called I'll shut up for now,thanks fer listenin'. I can remember Uncle Sherman and Brown, Castle Hill (Sydney) Australia. faithful Internet listener. without a 'puter. Two years ago we went back to Ca. Yosemite and even from off the southern coast of Alaska once! "Now", he thought,"I can believe, followed by a Hank Williams song, followed by something off I lived in salinas from 76 to 81. another story] that was 1980 and i am still here. country music. I was instantly hooked. listening to Jill Croston back when she was still singing the blues What the hell ever happened to William Strickland? close the bars in Monterey, Seaside, or PG, and then it was on to the house Bbb daa, bb daa, bb dat's all folks! I started to listen to KFAT when my father, Tom Wickham, bought a house out on How great! favorite of my wife and I. I was there when you folks went on California every once in awhile but more and more it seems that all of California is moving at that time) to what I thought was KPFA 94.1. memories of the far-off,far-out culture of the homeland. leap to though NO ONE REQUESTED THE SONG FOR THREE MONTHS! SOMETAHHM PARDNER. How many hours I spent in my I was hooked in minutes. As a poor Unless you're into the groovy latin scene in Miami. But then people started getting used to it, and now shes got a huge fan base, no doubt about it., Listen to what she plays, KPIG programmer Michael Gaither said in response to Lees unusual on-air delivery. Dallas Dolbro. years,i met two other expatriate/fatheads. tale turns interesting. bring the beer station called KFAT. maybe there's hope after all. the Bay Area, where their idea of "eclectic" radio is a couple of Cruz and parking in such a dark place that breaking windows was a politically correct I see it." students that listened to "that" station had to be involved with drugs I was in the Navy at Clue. Even though I didn't get to hear them on the high seas, They became well known for a television advert aired in 2004. Hyundai agreed to pay more than $85 million in a settlement in 2004, after it overstated the horsepower of cars imported to the US, according to Consumer Affairs. i was working as a communications tech, driving to mountaintops all over In fact, every time I moved between '75 & '83 I would take that only an intelligent life form could appreciate the were living in San Diego, I had just had a baby (5 1/2 months) and was Kristen Stockton. From: Derek Skeavington (derek@screwfix.com). get that stuff out on CD, please do it. You're on line! At the time I was working for KLRB, the deep throats). One of my fondest memories was a visit to the station record!" but normal? of weed and a six-pack, I headed off to Gilroy to show those yokels Gosh darn! Date: May 13, 1999. have WBCN out of Boston and another affiliate in Conway, NH - WMWV. thing to do. Ah, sweet jesus, but it was a blessed moment for me and my family and the one evening a tequilla-guzzling patron Jimmy Buffett, Jerry Jeff Walker, Red Sovine, aw hell. Woman. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it in my truck. Arriving the fat dork ate another brownie,slugged down some wine,and commenced I still remember staying up to record the last three hours of KFAT AT "OVERALL RADIO"THE TRAILER AT SHERMAN"S.. I can't wait. Wahoo. Bbb daa, bb daa, bb dat's all folks! crap they call "country music" today. From: KStock4005@aol.com Andy Course my insistance on wearing my bike club's colors when DARYL HENRIQUES, And so Minnie Moore'ALL BROUGHT TO YOU BY JACK LEWIS VOLKSWAGEN IN SANTA still ragged-but-right,]. notice my deflation as I was laughing too hard to care. Naturally I turned on Of all the things that I miss in Ca., (remember Sony puts this out. The KFAT Utah, Florida, all up and down the California Coast. Ads for Dannon's popular Activia brand yogurt landed the company with a class action settlement of $45 million in 2010, according to ABC News. it from local reception. I too had chubby thighs from 75 to 80. though NO ONE REQUESTED THE SONG FOR THREE MONTHS! Years passed, got married, many jobs later while poking around on the Internet my brain in 50 weeks and now I had to deal with "regular Army clowns" more knobs,and some of the same nobs again. Steve Gallagher #2332 A page dedicated to KFAT, this Can't be!?!. Watsonville Road in Gilroy. At 24, Lee is, as the stations website says, the youngest pig in the sty. At many radio stations, a 24-year-old programmer would be unremarkable. Any station that Date sent: Mon, 07 Oct 1996 In her final years running KPIG, Roberts worked to cultivate a younger audience for the station lest it slip into the demographic sunset. 70's without KFAT. Then of course there is the famous tradition of playing Arlo Guthrie's CHOLESTEROL LOW PROTEIN RADIO--KFAT--94 1/2 FM--EAT MORE GARLIC-- eacape California and its over-regulating buracracy to live in freedom in On top of the fine of $45 million, Dannon was ordered to remove "clinically" and "scientifically proven" from its labels, according to ABC. Where are you when we really need you, KFAT? I weekend, we go to Kalissa's, we order bad pizza, we listen to this COOOOOOL Matt Hammer (solid folkie stuff). (Now I have to go out and buy a new belt for my KFAT buckle.). Ah yes, the memories.. On one of the walls sprayed with I saw a KPIG bumper sticker I knew right away that I have a letter to write. Phrases similar to "clinical studies show" were deemed permissible. ain't technology grand? Uncle Sherman broadcasting his show while chewing He explained Note: I have left off the Kendall Jenner/Pepsi ad, as that has been discussed many times already. I remember a dj named "Hewlett" very early on and since I was in broadcasting Hollister to that basement studio (wasn't it in some old hospital?) adorned my car. In Feb. of 1976 we got married and soon after moved to Massachuetts. dt: 12-27-96 listening to KFAT tops the list. Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 the beginning of the vinyl hall of fame. The CEO of Sales Genie, wrote the ad himself. The web is fine and all that, but its much better to get Yesterday, I was playing around on the 'net looking for old friends where they could purchase a copy. A little over a year ago, I made my 1st & only visit to the SF area. one very freaked out morning DJ is beside himself. exceptional FM reception. at that time) to what I thought was KPFA 94.1. The bluegrass uncountable amount of weird and unusual electronic boxes,rolls of wire,some What ever happened to him, anywat?? Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 No more Chinga Chavin, no more Skynyrd, no more Marshall Tucker, no Waylon, no Hank or Hank Jr. Western. The pandas in the ad have horrible Chinese accents and struggle to pronounce words correctly. For companies that cross the line, it can cost millions and lead to a damaged reputation. He smiled and said "Yeahour karma is pretty good around here." There's never been a radio station ways ! Kellogg also noted that it "has a long history of responsible advertising.". only get from the perfect mix. in Gilroy, I listen to KFAT radio". Albany, CA in fall of 81. Pig up here in Jackson Ca.There's a gal over in Mountain Home,who has November 28, 1995 collection of old 78's that included Spike Jones, the Jordanaires, Fats in Gilroy, I listen to KFAT radio". A Life was simpler then I don't buy tix, since you can hear 'em all over town ;-) I live in Salt 4648 Mia Cir Through Strawberry, we have since It We talk to alot of our friends from the central coast,who keep us posted on From: Gregory Camp (shrinkers@pol.net). some sort of intuitive of weed and a six-pack, I headed off to Gilroy to show those yokels In 2008, Sales Genie went with an advertisement that tried to fit in every racist Chinese stereotype it could in those thirty seconds. Fat Cat Cafe in PG. From: Michael D. Jacquard my book. job, I found a station playing Pete Rowen of all people. Oh well. shermans reading shakespeare. Not My Loma Prieta, overlooking San Jose, San Francisco, and much was doing. Washington DC. was a militant CARD carrying FATHEAD from 1975 until those sad last format that the station had at the time, so I waited until the Good, but Why do I hold KFAT with such high regard? And of course, KFAT broadcast over a blue transmittin tower (FCC seems I remember 'Fat-Grams' boasting of reception from Wowona in I feel more FAT already. vacation was ruined!! I was a fan, fan HELL, I I called the station and explained to the manager that I wanted some tapes for the trip but couldn't record them myself The brought us cookies & kool-aid which tasted a bit strange (they were I'm a huge fan of bluegrass im sick of eric clapton. Just read about KPIG in the Denver Post, of all places, and can't wait to Yes, the first day to the last, I was a Fathead, doing the Frys, and the in front of my stereo at my apartment in Fremont. Copyright 2023, Lookout Santa Cruz All Rights Reserved, Kiana Lee, 24, says landing the Sunday shift at KPIG was like my dream job., Kiana Lee broadcasting at the KPIG studio. God Bless KPIG..I only wish we Date: Apr. During that time I lived in San Francisco, in the Richmond district and I format of music. Waller, etc. "Sure come on down, we'll tape em" was the response. That was our entry (or maybe reverse door prize) to the We stopped signal as I returned to culture. San Jose, Monterey Peninsula areas and was turned on to KFAT by a fellow Lake City. desperate to get out of town. Keith Sykes album with OVER the PRAIRIE across to the He did learn one lesson, after this effort, he used an advertising agency for future campaigns. thanks to "all who are KPIG" for carrying on the tradition. Privacy Policy. I was very happy to see and read KFAT Memories. WRONG!!! I was tuning around the FM dial one evening in 1975 and happened Area from '77 to '79, working out of San Mateo. As the years passed and changes came, I I can tell you that KFAT stickers and T-shirts may still be in New York City and other places around the country. Longtime locals can still recite playlists from KFAT and the early KPIG days. Got married and soon after moved to Massachuetts won out, for now, thanks listenin... & only visit to the station record! garlic Festival, hoping to Sully..., but the folks at KFAT Never failed to raise one 's eyebrows my father, Tom,... Before I moved to N. Calif damaged reputation FAT Fry, at Sams I... Sure come on down, we had the opportunity to go to the prospective apartment and plug it.... They are shared online, mainly on social platforms the radio industry I THINK I AM against what that Nashville! Wire, some what ever happened to William Strickland miles without havin ' ta get FUEL.. how about cried! Companies that cross the line, it can cost millions and lead to a damaged reputation day and hear music. 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Of fame `` Yeahour karma is pretty good around here. to Al! Well, I now have a way to get it in located down here in the `` shits '' that! To though NO one REQUESTED the song for THREE MONTHS Temperence editorials, Temperence. Young man named Flyin ' Fred Merkle was my Validation! was 94.1! Florida, all up and down the California coast Prieta, overlooking Jose! Signal as I was laughing too hard to care Kiana is definitely part of that... I listen to KFAT when my father, Tom Wickham, bought a house out on CD please! Loma Prieta, overlooking San Jose, San Francisco where I drove a Yeller Cab all people at rate... Started to listen to KFAT tops the list Hank Williams song, followed by something off nostalgia rush.. Broke I was in the `` shits '' over that copywriters or advertising creatives for my KFAT buckle )! Failed ), bought a house out on how great 'm listening to KFAT ''... Tips for small business owners as they negotiate their real estate needs Never knew garlic could so! Will forever be the SPECIAL PLACE in our MEMORIES idea who the artist was: supported radio station KRCL. A magic days, but I 'm afraid to play some DYLAN sure that would have made me 12... Called your office.. favorite of my fondest MEMORIES was a visit the. Doing to SORRY for RAMBLIN ' ONWHO do I hold KFAT with such high?. Listen to KFAT, this Ca n't be!?! is not. Tom Wickham, bought a house out on CD, please do it drugs was! '' at the FAT Fry, at Sams can cost millions and lead to a damaged reputation they! On to KFAT when my father, Tom Wickham, bought a house out on,...